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Many people believe that vegetables are healthier when eaten fresh. However, according to new research, in some cases it is better to cook them to get the most benefit.
This vegetable is best steamed. When cooked, carrots release more beta-carotene, a substance that is converted into vitamin A in our body. It is necessary to improve vision and skin condition, strengthen the immune system, prevent atherosclerosis and eye diseases. In addition, the boiled vegetable is better digested, writes “New Hearth”.
Dark green leafy vegetables
Kale contains oxalic acid. This toxin in high doses can cause stomach and kidney problems. During heat treatment, the substance is destroyed and does not harm health.
Scientists have proven that when boiled, the amount of nutrients and antioxidants in asparagus increases. Plus, it tastes much better this way.
A tomato
The composition of tomatoes includes the carotenoid lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces the effects of oxidative (oxidative) stress that damages body cells. It prevents the formation of malignant tumors and the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Studies have shown that lycopene is absorbed much better from stewed tomatoes than from raw ones.
Spinach contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which can only be neutralized at high temperatures. Fiber, zinc, calcium, iron, protein and vitamins A and E are better absorbed from cooked spinach. It is more useful to steam the leaves rather than in a frying pan.
These vegetables contain the toxin solanine, which can cause digestive problems. Eggplants are tasty and healthy in stewed and baked form.
bean sprouts
Sprouted beans are a rich source of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, manganese and protein. But young sprouts can contain dangerous bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli. Only careful heat treatment will help to destroy them.
This vegetable is the leader in the content of glucosinates (antioxidants that fight cancer cells). The content of these phytonutrients is significantly higher in the steamed vegetable. In addition, carotenoids are more easily absorbed from boiled broccoli, which are converted in the body into vitamin A.
Previously, EG wrote about five unusual features of the bow. This vegetable is useful not only in the kitchen.