Home » today » World » Cook Children’s Hospital of Fort Worth Remains on Alert for Child Drowning Cases | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

Cook Children’s Hospital of Fort Worth Remains on Alert for Child Drowning Cases | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

that could bring rain toour eastern counties.the cloudiness is maintained forweekend, but now and theFriday along with abundant sunshine.angel: a fort hospitalworth is on alert because inonly one day they had toserve five children wholittle die drowned, that’s itworried because they say that thesummer is just beginning.most of the casesoccurred in swimming pools, butthere are other places of risk.jairo lozano tells us.jairo: I spoke with ahospital specialist,who explained to me that four ofthe cases occurred inpools, while one ishe reported in a lake like the onethat’s right now, where the littlevisibility could representmore risks for families.Daniel Montés and his friendprepare to paddle in their kayakat the lake, but this timethey left without their daughters for thehigh water level.>> as a person you alwaysthat worries, whether or not they areyour children, the most important thing isalways take precautionsnecessary, the water mustrespect it.jairo: talk about the five childrenwhich tend to be internedin a hospital because almostthey drowned on Sunday.representatives reported thatthere were adults present, andwarns that an oversight of twominutes could be fatal.a lot sometimes people knowentertains a lot in thephone, and they neglect them a lot.jairo: they had between a year 14years old, some sounconscious and othersThey presented omito, one is inintensive care.this hospital specialistexplained that the lakes aredangerous, because usuallychildren know how to swim, buttheir limits are unknown, and veryfrequently have beenshore and marry.tire.They add that the sacramentsare silent, thatminors only come out tobreathe without having thechance to shout forask for help, as seen in thefilm.he is a father of a family, and he sayswhat is your little daughter is aadventurer who likeswatered, but ensures that, asfather of a family, it takes awayone from above.[habla en ingés]jairo: the dangers bydrowning in lakes and watersopen are tripled when theirson turns 15 years old, alreadyjoin an organization,they use those prone to takerisks.the authorities acknowledge thatthe swimming classes areimportant to avoid thiskind of tragedies, but

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