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Contz superior. Duty of memory, an exhibition to discover in Basse-Ham

Remembering the horrors caused by wars is working for peace! This was the main focus of many speakers after the invitation of the President of the Moselle Department Council, Patrick Weiten, to recall the evacuation of the Moselle residents and other consequences of the 1939-1945 war.

Among them, Gérard Parmentier, correspondent of Le Républicain Lorrain, who, from Haute-Kontz in 2003 to Thionville in October 2022, presented his research in several villages of the Pays des Trois Frontières and will be present with his two colleagues from the National Association of Members of the National Order of Merit (ANMONM), Bernard Woeffler and Bernard Velfringer, at the town hall of Basse-Ham from 7 to 12 January. The municipality of Basse-Ham made its facilities and know-how available to exhibitors.

The association will present 27 paintings detailing the origins of the Second World War, the French defensive system and the subsequent evacuations of the inhabitants of the Thionville region.

The various chapters presented

The exhibition will allow you to discover many documents. Some concern war memorials, the three wars of 1870, 1914-1918, 1939-1945, civilian and military casualties in the former canton of Sierck, military cemeteries, Thionville, Sarre and Rhineland-Palatinate, Luxembourg.

Others concern the Shoah, the internment, concentration and extermination camps, the death convoys, the cemeteries of Bouzonville, Sierck-les-Bains, Waldwisse and Luxembourg, the Stolpersteine, pebbles of memory, Haute-Kontz and Basse-Ham , Le Républicain Lorrain of our side, military service and the French army.

From Saturday 7 to Thursday 12 January, from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm, in the Salle des Fêtes de Basse-Ham.

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