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Controversy Surrounds Japanese Officials’ Visits to Yasukuni Shrine


Today, the day Japan lost the war, influential politicians and former and current government officials continued to pay their respects at the Yasukuni Shrine, where Japan’s A-class war criminals are enshrined.

There are concerns that such a move by Japanese government officials could throw cold water on the movement to improve Korea-Japan relations.

Japan local connection. Correspondent Kim Se-ho!


yes. It is Tokyo.


Who are the major Japanese figures who have visited Yasukuni Shrine?


yes. Koichi Hagiuda, chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, visited the Yasukuni Shrine this morning.

Chairman Hagiuda Jeongjo is in a key position leading the Political Affairs Investigation Committee, the highest policy-making body in the party.

Chairman Hagiuda visited Yasukuni Shrine last year as well.

After visiting the shrine, Chairman Hagiuda met with reporters to mourn the ancestors who were sacrificed in World War II.

He said that he renewed the oath of permanent peace and non-discrimination.

Economic Security Minister Sanae Takaichi also visited the Yasukuni Shrine.

Along with this, lawmakers belonging to the ‘Assembly of Members of Parliament to Visit Yasukuni Shrine Together’, a group of non-partisan lawmakers, also visited the Yasukuni Shrine.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made an offering instead of visiting the shrine.

The last time a sitting Japanese prime minister paid a visit to the Yasukuni Shrine was former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2013.

Yasukuni Shrine is a facility that honors the spirits of those who died in wars large and small caused by modern Japan.

There are 2,466,000 enshrined here, including 14 Class A war criminals of the Pacific War, including Hideki Tojo.

About 20,000 people from the Korean Peninsula are enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine.

Their enshrinement took place unilaterally, regardless of the will of the Korean side, such as the bereaved family.

Yasukuni Shrine refuses to request cancellation of enshrinement from the person concerned or the bereaved family.

So far, I’ve been telling you from Tokyo.

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2023-08-15 02:50:00

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