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Controversy Surrounding People Power Party Lawmakers’ Text Messages on Short Selling and Gimpo

Controversy is rising after the media caught a scene where People Power Party lawmakers were exchanging text messages saying, “This time, after Gimpo, short selling.”

Yesterday, People Power Party lawmaker Song Eon-seok, who attended the National Assembly’s Budget and Accounts Committee, was captured by the Newsis camera sending a text message to floor spokesperson Jang Dong-hyuk, saying, “This time, we are going to focus on short selling after Gimpo.”

Coincidentally, Lee Jun-seok, former representative of the People Power Party, also said in a YouTube broadcast yesterday morning that a leading member of the ruling party is touching on the issue of short selling, and argued that it will not have a large impact because it has already been done.

[이준석/전 국민의힘 대표 (뉴스토마토 ′노영희의 뉴스in사이다′)]

″Right now, Representative Kwon Seong-dong is said to be preparing to do something about stock short selling, and he has tried all of these things. What if you think that short selling stocks is a good way to improve the system? You have to think about who would be the best messenger to throw that. If you thought that incorporating something like Gimpo this time was such a good card, I don’t think it would have much influence, but if you thought it was a good card, then you have to think about whether Kim Ki-hyun is the best messenger to announce it.”

When the text message was revealed, Democratic Party lawmaker Yoo Ki-hong criticized, saying, “Following Gimpo, this time we can no longer make excuses that it is a general election tactic, saying it is short selling,” and People Power Party lawmaker Jang Dong-hyuk said, “We shared the contents of inquiries from media outlets.” He refuted, saying, “I only conveyed it at that level.”

[유기홍/더불어민주당 의원]

″Suddenly, really suddenly, the People Power Party announced that Gimpo City would be incorporated into Seoul, causing an uproar throughout the country. This is the exact opposite of President Yoon Seok-yeol, who talks about balanced regional development. Even from the perspective of efficient use of the national territory, no one can help but say that this is ‘populism for general elections’. Text messages exchanged between Secretary Song Eon-seok and Rep. Jang Dong-hyuk were exposed, saying ‘Gimpo this time, short selling next time’. “We can no longer excuse this as a general election tactic.”

[장동혁/국민의힘 의원]

″Rep. Yoo Ki-hong, while speaking earlier, used the text message exchanged between Secretary Song Eon-seok and me and spoke as if the incorporation of Gimpo City into Seoul and such were planned as populist policies for elections. The contents of the text captured by the camera are as follows. A reporter from a media company wanted to write an article focusing on short selling, which has become a serious problem these days following Gimpo. He asked if any of the People Power Party members spoke about short selling today and had any questions. If so, he would like to write an article today. The reporter sent a text message to Secretary Song Eon-seok asking if anyone was speaking today for reference in the reporting, and in the process of copying and forwarding the text message to me, the spokesperson, saying, “Reporters are interested in this short selling, please take note,” the photo was taken. It will. This is sad news for the Democratic Party members who are trying to attack the Gimpo City issue as if we had planned some kind of election strategy as a populist strategy. However, it was not Representative Song Eon-seok’s opinion, but the reporter’s text message was delivered to me, and around the same time. “I have already received a text message from the reporter with the same information about whether there will be any inquiries, so I am telling you that I can confirm as much as I want.”

After the contents of the text in question were made public, some media reported that the government and the ruling party were pushing for a ‘temporary’ total ban on short selling, and the controversy surrounding the short selling issue is expected to continue.

2023-11-04 05:38:15
#Lee #Junseok #heard #youre #touching #short #selling.. #Short #selling #Gimpo #captured

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