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Controversy Surrounding ‘King’s DNA’ in Jeonbuk Province’s Promotional Post

[사진 제공 = 전북도 페이스북 캡처]

Recently, the expression ‘king’s DNA’ included in the so-called ‘gapjil email’ sent by the education ministry official to the homeroom teacher of elementary school children was cited in a promotional post for an event hosted by Jeollabuk-do, causing controversy.

As the controversy grew, Jeonbuk Province deleted the post.

On the morning of the 17th, Jeonbuk-do posted a notice on the official Facebook of Jeonbuk-do for the ‘2023 On and Off Baekje Quiz King Contest’.

This contest is a quiz contest for elementary school students in the Baekje Historic Areas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

However, at the top of the promotional text, a problem arose when the ‘King’s DNA’ was mentioned, which was the trigger for the recent controversy over power abuse by the Ministry of Education.

“Do you think my child has royal DNA? How is the quiz king?” is the phrase.

As criticism poured in over Jeonbuk-do’s citation of an expression that caused social resentment in its official communication space, Jeonbuk-do deleted the post on the afternoon of the same day.

Currently, the captured copy is spreading through social networking services (SNS).

Previously, it was known that an official from the Ministry of Education, Mr. A, had sent an e-mail to his child’s homeroom teacher with requirements such as “Because I am a child with the king’s DNA, I can understand everything even if I speak in a good way as if I were talking to a prince.”

2023-08-17 12:06:35
#Jeonbuk #Province #wrote #Kings #DNA #promotional #text.. #Delete #controversial #date

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