Arts – Written by Yasmine El-Tahami – Social networking sites witnessed a widespread uproar after a video clip spread in which an Egyptian housewife appeared dancing in the bedroom in a bold and wonderful way at the same time.
The woman, who appears to be in her thirties, appeared wearing a dress attached to her body, tied at her waist, and dancing in a bold way that angered the followers. One of the followers commented, saying: “Jealousy has died among some men, and modesty has committed suicide among women, unfortunately.”
Another criticized the name “housewife” for the woman shown in the video, and said in his comment: “This is not a housewife, she is a dancer, a dancer’s girl, and she wants to be famous, and I hope you don’t distort the image of housewives because they are respectable.”
One of the girls defended the woman and said in her comment: “The women of the house do better than her and dance and pamper herself for her husband. It is okay. Where is the problem? And the girls who are talking about me are not a housewife. Why is a housewife who is forbidden to dance and pamper herself and dress and dress up for her husband?”
Saad Ibrahim
A journalist who practices the profession of spoken and written journalism, and I work in collecting and publishing news with all the details and everything related to global and local political and artistic events and translation.
2023-09-19 17:05:49
#shame. #video #clip #leaked #beautiful #Egyptian #wife #drove #young #men #crazy #belly #dancing #room. #follower #crush #Sama #AlMasry