patricia: generates differentdemand reactionsnew york on the testthe vaccine to enterrestaurants, bars andgyms. we talk with himpresident of the association ofLatin restaurant of the state.let’s see the interview with anotherpartner elian.Elian: thank you for accompanying usin “upon awakening”, a verypoetic. the mandate thatthe authorities intend to demandabout what peoplevaccinated they will be able to enterto bars, gyms and othersprivate meeting sites andpost inside.I was very sad about thedecision of the mayor, it is usturning into the cop ofnew york of the vaccination.we are totally pro vaccine,we want customers to knowget vaccinated, what we don’t understandit is because they want to convert usin the vaccination police.people have suffered a lotin the last year and a half andI think this is also going to bedifficult. many businessesthey are doing. still canenter several other sites andhave to be teachingvaccination card.Elian: how are youaffecting this if it is donecash?an inconvenience to noIt requires teaching, that is notaware of the rule, toodoes not affect because if theSurroundings, New Jersey, don’tare doing, customersthey are going to go to that area as they didpreviously elbow they hadcapacity problems,so that affects us a lotwe have not received all the helpof the government as of the irs andother aids.Elian: plan to take some kindof legal action to preventmake it an effective mandate?we have been discussing itwith several lawyers, we understandthat for the moment they are, canis there something we can dolegally but right nowwe have to startprepare. we are workingon the subject, today we begina new show in the bronxto vaccinate people insidea restaurant. are the wayWhat do we have? What can we help?to the city to get vaccinatedpeople, but becomethe police of the vaccination,I think it’s a lot for us.elian: thanks for being withus this morning and beyondshare your point of view onrelated to the mandate they wantimplement authorities.