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Controversy over the insurance of 33 paintings in the Olivos Residence: Misinformation or Intentional Deception?

Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni affirmed this Friday that the government of Alberto Fernández paid “2 million 600 thousand dollars” for the insurance of 33 paintings that were in the Olivos Residence and from the Albertism they went to the crossroads.

He is a liar“said an important former Albertista official in dialogue with Clarionwho explained that it is a annual insurance whose value was “a little more than 2 million 700 thousand pesos.”

After the statement that Adorni made during a press conference at the Casa Rosada, where he also announced that Javier Milei’s government will sell two planes from the YPF fleet: “The Argentines They paid an insurance of 2 million 600 thousand dollars for the paintings that are in the Quinta de Olivos”.


The presidential spokesperson gave a press conference and spoke about reducing privileges.

From the previous management they pointed out: “SIf you confused pesos with dollars it is serious, but if you did it on purpose it is even worse“.

Along these lines, they detailed that these are 33 paintings that former president Alberto Fernández selected from the collection belonging to the Foreign Ministry and that were already removed from the Olivos Residence on December 7.

The spokesperson is lying or is a flower of ignorance“said the sources consulted in dialogue with this newspaper, who also explained that insurance was a requirement to have the pieces in the Presidential Fifth because “they are works valued at approximately 300 million pesos.”

For her part, the former spokesperson for the Presidency Gabriela Cerruti He also came out to clarify the statements of his successor: ““Spokesman Manuel Adorni today confused a figure in pesos with the same figure in dollars.”

“The insurance for the works of art that must be paid in the Olivos residence as in any other museum or place of protection was two million seven hundred thousand PESOS ANNUAL and was already paid this year,” Cerruti stressed through his account. Twitter.

The controversy over the insurance of the Olivos paintings began after Adorni stated that the government intends to make an adjustment to the operating expenses of the policy and spoke of reducing “privileges” of the sector that Milei called “the caste.”

“It gives the impression that his statements are part of a story. Confusion of that type is difficult. You can’t confuse pesos with dollars…It seems to me that it is done on purpose”, A source who was part of Alberto Fernández’s inner circle stressed to this newspaper.

Furthermore, Albertism insists that the presidential spokesperson’s statements were ill-intentioned, since the new management has the papers to verify what Adorni said. “They want to show that they come to save money through a lie“, pointed out.

“You have to ask and check carefully before saying something like that. The policy is registered, like everything, in the Presidency. The papers are there, they have everything“, they retorted.

Regarding the announcement of a reduction in drivers and the fleet of cars, the Albertista administration pointed out that the Presidency has a fleet of 80 carswhich they inherited from Mauricio Macri’s government because “no new purchases were made.”

The collection of works of art valued at more than $332 million that housed the official residence

Some 33 paintings of Argentine works of art, all of which were valued at more than $332,000,000, were chosen, at the end of 2019, by Alberto Fernández himself to decorate the walls of the Olivos Residence that he occupied with his partner Fabiola Yañez .

In the background the painting Sur by Nicolás García Uriburu. Photo: AFP

Among the pieces on loan, which belong to the collection of the Argentine Foreign Ministry and the Casa Rosada Museum, were works by Roberto Aizenberg, Antonio Berni, Leon Ferrari, Lino Spilimbergo, Emilio Pettoruti, Nicholas Garcia Uriburu, Rogelio Polesello, Miguel Ocampo y Alfredo Gutteroamong other renowned Argentine artists.

According to the Banco Nación insurance policy accessed by Clarín, which is valid until January 17, 2021, the collection of 33 works is valued at $332,470,656.

According to the appraisal of each piece, the most expensive work transferred has a value of $92,534,400, is titled Decorative Composition and belongs to Lino Spilimbergo. It is followed by Emilio Pettoruti’s Blank Book for $87,091,200 and Alfredo Guttero’s Portrait of the Composer for $27,216,000.

In the background the work “Paso de los Andes” by Miguel Ocampo.
2023-12-15 18:41:39
#Milei #Government #denounced #payment #millionaire #insurance #paintings #Quinta #Olivos #Albertism #respond

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