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Controversy Over President Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘Yoon Shim’ Revealed in Exclusive Reporting by KBS



Today (the 14th), we open the 9:00 news with content exclusively covered by KBS.

In March of this year, the People’s Power National Convention was full of controversy over President Yoon Seok-yeol’s mind, the so-called ‘Yoon Shim’.

Of course, the president’s office has stated several times that it will not interfere in the election process.

However, KBS reporters secured a recording file in which Kang Seung-gyu, senior secretary for civil society at the Presidential Office, called Kang Shin-eop, a lawyer who declared a run for the party ahead of the party convention, and asked to refrain from running.

Lawyer Kang Shin-eop, as is known, is a person who served as the president of Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s fan club.

Exclusive reporting, first is Reporter Seulgi Lee.


Early January of this year, two months before the People’s Power National Convention.

Kang Seung-gyu, senior secretary for civil society in the presidential office, calls Kang Shin-up, a lawyer who declared running for the party representative, and mentions ‘refraining from running’.

[강승규/대통령실 시민사회수석 : “강신업 변호사 출마 좀 자제시킬 수 없을까? 이번에는 당 대표건 최고위원이건 V가 그림을 그려서 총선을 내년에 V 얼굴로 치러야 되잖아요.”]

‘V’ seems to refer to the president, and this explains why.

[강승규/대통령실 시민사회수석 : “강신업 변호사도 그렇고 저쪽에 ○○○도 그렇고 다 이렇게 막 우파 지지단체 나오면 굉장히 혼탁스럽고 그래서 질서가 안 잡히는 것 같아서…”]

Attorney Kang Shin-eop was the president of Mrs. Kim Kun-hee’s fan club, and Chief Kang also mentions ‘Mrs.’.

[강승규/대통령실 시민사회수석 : “무슨 문제가 있냐 하면 여사님하고 쭉 잘 나가고 있잖아. 구설수가 나지 그게 또. 그러면 여사님이 다시 소환돼 가지고…”]

Let’s say that persuasion will not be easy, and we even suggest a specific format.

[강승규/대통령실 시민사회수석 : “(1월 말) 출판기념회에서 말미에 ‘우리 윤석열 정부 성공을 위해서, 나는 여기서 이 에너지를 다 윤석열 성공을 위해서 모으겠다’ 이렇게 딱 선언해버리면 되지.”]

Attorney Kang says that the purpose of running for the party representative is to run for the general election next year, and that the direction should be the same.

[강승규/대통령실 시민사회수석 : “(총선에 출마하려면) 용산하고 크게 방향이 같아야지.”]

A situation in which the incumbent chief of the presidential office mentioned a specific person’s ‘refrain from running’ in the process of the ruling party convention.

If it is known to the outside world, it is emphasized like this as if conscious of the wavelength.

[강승규/대통령실 시민사회수석 : “내가 또 접촉하면 또 이렇게 이상하게 (보니까). 그러니까 한번 좀 적극적으로… 중요한 일이야.”]

The person who spoke with Chief Kang forwarded the request to lawyer Shin-eop Kang, but lawyer Kang registered as a candidate for party representative and was cut off in the preliminary screening.

Attorney Kang told KBS, “I don’t think it was the president’s intention,” and said, “Chief Kang did it because of ‘displaced loyalty’.”

Kang Seung-kyu, the chief of staff at the time, replied, “A personal and general conversation with an acquaintance who has been close since the presidential election,” to KBS’s query asking who the call was at the time and whether there were any instructions.

At the time of the People’s Power National Convention, the President’s office announced several times that it would not intervene in the election process, but it seems that the wave will continue as the remarks of the incumbent President’s Office, which can be seen as ‘election intervention’, are revealed.

This is Seulgi Lee from KBS News.

Video editing: Geunhyeok Choi/Graphics: Hyunsoo Yeo, Seongil Kim

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2023-08-14 12:01:00
#단독 #Kang #Seunggyu #chief #presidential #office #ruling #party #convention #refrain #running

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