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“Controversy over Instant Noodles: Egyptian Girl’s Brother Dies After TikTok Challenge”

A video clip of an Egyptian girl revealed the death of her brother, after he ate a hot noodle meal, “noodles or instant noodles”, in a state of controversy over this famous meal, which children in many Arab countries accept.
The girl explained that her brother participated in the famous Tik Tok challenge, “Korean Spicy Noodles”, which led to serious health problems that ended with his death.
And a member of the Egyptian Parliament, Walaa Al-Tamimi, had warned against eating “noodles” because of their dangerous impact on the health of citizens, especially children, and submitted an urgent briefing request to the Ministries of Health and Trade, in which she demanded action to investigate the matter, and to stop trading the product in the Egyptian markets.

For her part, Representative Reham Afifi, a member of the Senate, submitted a request to the President of the Senate, the Ministry of Health, and the head of the Consumer Protection Agency, to discuss the dangers of eating instant noodles on the health of children and youth, and the control measures for imported food products.
Regarding the dangers of relying on noodles as a basic meal, clinical nutrition consultant Emad El-Din Fahmy explains that there are many different names for instant noodles or noodles due to the different companies that produce them.
Fahmy added to “Sky News Arabia” that this meal has existed since ancient times in China and Japan, but the difference is that the proportion of preservatives added to it in the past is almost non-existent, unlike the present time.
And the therapeutic nutrition consultant indicated the most prominent problems with eating this meal:
The nutritional rule considers that any natural food that is tampered with becomes more harmful. For example, meat, when many ingredients are added to it to make burgers, becomes more harmful.
Many of the processes that take place for foodstuffs make them give more calories, which leads to weight gain without increasing the nutritional value.
The damages of noodles lie in the materials used in preservation, the method of processing, salting, and others.
The oils used in the production and frying of noodles are among the cheapest and worst types of hydrogenated oils. Most companies have a commercial goal, and the predominant thinking is making a profit and not looking at what benefits the consumer’s health.
The salting process uses what is known as Chinese salt or mono sodium glutamate. Numerous studies have confirmed that this substance causes health problems such as neuritis, headaches, vomiting, high blood pressure, and obesity, in addition to its role in insulin resistance.
Heat treatment causes the production of carcinogenic compounds.
The method of keeping these meals inside a box or bag is done by adding substances that lead to hyperactivity and an increase in thyroid activity.
Some preservatives have an effect on the synthesis of female hormones, which makes the risk of consuming them higher for females.
The materials used in the production of noodles lead to addiction over time, and make those who eat it love its taste and hate home food.

Fahmy drew attention to another important aspect related to the harms of eating noodles and other fast food:
Most people who eat noodles and other fast food are children and the elderly.
It is better to avoid eating these foods, and I recommend that mothers take care to prevent their children from these harmful meals.
What is certain is that excessive consumption of these foods is harmful to health and causes many health problems.
The producing agencies obtain a license from their respective countries, but no one clarifies the maximum amount allowed to be eaten, especially for certain age stages.
It is preferable to ration these foodstuffs, and for the permitting authorities to determine the quantities allowed to be eaten, and not to leave them unreleased, which is very important even if authorized materials are used.
With regard to the case of the young man, whose sister said that he died after eating large quantities of spicy noodles, the therapeutic nutrition consultant, Murad Fahmy, stressed that it cannot be certain that eating one or more meals of noodles causes death, pointing to the need for a team of doctors, specialists and experts in Forensic medicine and others to study the case, and to ascertain whether eating noodles had a role in the deterioration of this young man’s health or not.

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2023-05-25 12:20:43

#accused #causing #death #young #man #noodles #dangerous

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