More than a year ago, one of the most tense moments was experienced on the set of ‘Save me‘. peace padilla had just starred in a viral direct with Maria del Monte and Anne Igartiburu, in which he questioned the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine. A few words that took their toll on the then presenter of ‘Save me‘.
bethlehem esteban was very critical of the words of Paz Padilla. “I think Paz does not believe in the vaccine“, sentenced Belén at the time despite the explanations given by the woman from Cádiz. “I’m freaking out. Why don’t I believe in vaccines (…). Tell me, Belén, have you gotten yourself into this by yourself?“Paz told his partner.
Belén Esteban and Paz Padilla, in ‘Save Me’
The co-presenter of ‘Save me’ did not remain silent: “The one you got into was you making that video. So don’t tell me. The one that you have gotten into has been you. And the faces of Ane and María del Monte were a poem“.
Paz Padilla, in ‘Save Me’
After these words by Belén Esteban, the Cádiz-born presenter got up from her chair in the center of the set and said out loud: “Paso“, while leaving the set of ‘Save me’ unbuttoning her dress and removing the microphone. This was the last appearance of Paz Padilla in ‘Save Me’.
He has given more explanations on this subject. David Valldeperas in his interview in ‘The World of RAC1‘ of Jordi Basté. “About Paz Padilla, you already saw how she left the set and we never saw her again. I have no relationship with her since that day and she had a good relationship,” the former director of ‘Save Me’ began by explaining.
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David made it clear that “what happens is that she, I think, had closed a stage and I didn’t know how to close it and well… She saw an opportunity in that, she took advantage of the vaccines”. “She did not feel mistreated, but she did feel unprotected. And it’s not true, she had that vision and He hasn’t wanted to hear from us since that day and, therefore, he didn’t have to be in the end of ‘Save me’“, detailed David Valldeperas in great detail.
David Valldeperas, in ‘Sálvame’
2023-07-04 11:44:32
#real #reason #Paz #Padilla #left #set #Sálvame #light