Home » Entertainment » Controversial Statements by Actor Jaroslav Dušek Spark Uproar and Parody

Controversial Statements by Actor Jaroslav Dušek Spark Uproar and Parody

Martin Rumler


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A recent interview with actor Jaroslav Dušek caused a great uproar, in which he stated, among other things, that people with cancer die only because they hate their lives. The actor received a wave of criticism, but, as is customary in the Czech social media environment, his performance also became the target of parody and ridicule. For example, ROPID, the organizer of public transport in Prague and Central Bohemia, reacted.

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Jaroslav Dušek. | Photo: Jiří Hanzel

“My mom died of cancer. That was her choice. They all died of cancer. Grandmother, grandfather on my mother’s side. And what is cancer? So let’s ask. They died of cancer. And you think that person will die of cancer? And I think he will die of hating life. I know it. That person doesn’t like life, doesn’t like himself,” he said Jaroslav Dušek in the demo conversationwhich he provided to the podcast author Čestmír Strakaté.

Sample of Čestmír Strakatý’s interview with Jaroslav Dušek:

And it didn’t take long before the organizer of integrated transport ROPID paraphrased his words when announcing the delay of Prague’s bus lines.

“In the afternoon peak, we register delays in the bus network. Today, especially on lines 123, 167 and 191, which are delayed in Duškova Street, probably because they hate life and have not yet figured out that they can turn it around,” appeared on the social network Twitter.

“Sometimes we allow ourselves to react with a certain exaggeration even to events that are currently moving social networks. We thereby raise awareness of public transport even among people who do not watch our channels,” ROPID spokesman Filip Drápal told Pražské deník. “As a result, we help guide other users of public transport to use practical information about daily traffic,” he added.

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A Twitter user with the nickname Zevloun decided to connect the Czech actor with the film classic Forrest Gump. “Life is like a box of chocolates. If you don’t like her, you’ll get cancer,” he paraphrased Dušek’s statement.

Tomáš Kučera also refers to one of Dušek’s most famous roles: “Here, Dušek probably got a big blow to the head from Kodet, too,” he wrote, recalling the film Pelíška.

Patients, doctors and the minister are outraged

But the popular Czech actor received far more criticism for his words. His statement was rejected by doctors, the Minister of Health and people who have experience with cancer.

There were also those who stood up for Dušek and explained his words in such a way that optimistic people have a better chance of recovery and diseases, and their course is also determined by our lifestyle and mental attitude.

2023-07-19 08:10:21
#Duškas #words #cancer #move #networks #Buses #hate #life #carrier #wrote

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