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Controversial Proposal Threatens Peru’s Film Industry and Cultural Diversity

Project by Congresswoman Adriana Tudela, with support from Patricia Chirinos and Alejandro Cavero, would reduce the scope of the current Film Law. Filmmakers and workers from the various stages of production of the film industry in Peru have been organizing to warn about proposal 05903-2023-CR. These citizens and unions point out that Adriana Tudela’s proposal would attack culture, diversity and freedom of expression and creation.

The Cinema Law in force, with the Emergency Decree 022-2019, is the product of the participation and consensus of various trade associations that worked together in its preparation. Promotes diverse cinema in native languages, indigenous cinema and the development of regional cinema.

Criticisms of the Tudela project

Under Emergency Decree 022-2019, the process towards parity in Peruvian cinema has begun, reducing gender gaps. This current law also seeks the “International promotion of cinematographic and audiovisual production in the national territory.” However, the Tudela project would undermine these advances, since it would not have been consulted with any film union for its preparation.

A fragment of Adriana Tudela’s proposal says verbatim:

“These subsidies are designed mainly for national productions, also creating a framework of clear positive discrimination in favor of productions in indigenous or native languages ​​(..) In this sense, it is observed that the intention of the regulation is not to promote investment in Peru thanks to the film industry but, only, to strengthen the creation of audiovisual works in favor of national culture, with priority in specific populations.”

That is to say, Tudela questions whether the State supports the cinema of indigenous or alternative identities and communities.

The Tudela project plans the creation of a “Single Window for filming authorizations in Peruvian territory” run by Promperú. It is intended to subject even national productions to this procedure. Furthermore, it does not specify the criteria for granting these authorizations.

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Adriana Tudela, in her project suggests:

“The amount allocated for granting incentives may not exceed 50% of the cost of the film or audiovisual production.”

This imposition would exclude the majority of national productions that manage to finance themselves thanks to State funds.

Fundamental points such as the incentive for regional cinematographic activity and the encouragement of the promotion of alternative exhibition, contained in the current Cinema Law, are omitted in the proposal of the Avanza País parliamentarian.

The Tudela project indicates that economic stimuli should be allocated only to recording, leaving aside other important stages in the film production chain, such as script development, casting calls, research for documentaries, editing, post-editing, dissemination, distribution, exhibition, etc.

This controversial project would also annul in its specifications other stimuli contemplated in the current Cinema Law that favors other arts and cultural industries. For example, the stimuli that favor the performing arts, music, books, the promotion of books and reading go unmentioned.

The cancellation of “El Plecer de los Ojos” and the layoffs in the IRTP

This is not the only reform that would affect the audiovisual and filmmaking sector in Peru. As recalled, the cancellation of the emblematic program “The Pleasure of the Eyes” was recently confirmed. Through a statement, the Institute of Radio and Television of Peru (IRTP) under the current mandate of Ninoska Chandía, announced that “The pleasure of the eyes”, dedicated to the dissemination of national cinema, would become only a sequence from the magazine “Cultural Presence”. This, in the midst of several recent layoffs in this State institute.

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2023-09-25 09:35:21
#Tudela #Project #hit #Peruvian #cinema #indigenous #regional #identity

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