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Controversial Former Ambassador Admits to Writing Pro-Russian Articles

‘I have written many articles under the pseudonym Hypatia.’

The literary-political coming out of Elena Basile, former Italian ambassador to Belgium, who retired from 1 June and signed the article on Wednesday 5 July in Il Fatto newspaper raises controversy on Twitter  «Kiev’s position puts all Ukrainians at risk» in which he contested the statements of the Ukrainian foreign minister Kuleba to Otto e Mezzo on La7 arguing that «there is no threat to Europe and there would have been no invasion if his government defended a path to the benefit of his people that could easily be negotiated with Russia and the US. And that «with statesmen who care about its people, Ukraine would not be a bankrupt country, kept alive artificially by the West, destroyed, which has sent 250,000 very young people to their deaths (round down) and is about to make massacre others according to the will of NATO».

“The former ambassador of Italy in Sweden and Belgium illustrates to us the perfect work of the Russian services on our diplomats abroad,” comments on Twitter Marco Taradash, former deputy who takes care of the press review of Radio Radicale “Press and regime”.

Hence the unveiling of Elena Basile: “I have written many of them on the Fatto Quotidiano, Taradash should read them and would have a new attack of bile”.

In the newspaper directed by Marco Travaglio, Hypatia-Basile signed, among others: «22 questions on the carnage», «Ukraine: what’s wrong with “resistance”», «Ukrainians sent to die» and «The diplomats must speak.’

The point underlined in some comments is precisely the institutional role covered.

‘Diplomatica, minister plenipotentiary, former ambassador to Sweden and Belgium, admits to having written articles of disinformation and pro-Russian propaganda under a pseudonym. Signed Hypatia. Is everything okay at the Farnesina?», remarked David Carretta, long-time Brussels correspondent of Radio Radicale.

The former ambassador reverses the accusations: ‘Because I mentioned the Ukrainian government. We are under foreign control. I was pointed out to the dogs of the pack, lynched, in an attempt (in vain) to silence me. Are there any contacts between the neoliberal fanatics and the Ukrainian services?’

Marco Travaglio smiles at the propaganda accusations: «I find it prestigious that he has written articles of that level explaining what all the former ambassadors, generals and soldiers think. And if some mentally ill think that they are all in Putin’s pay, I don’t know what to say». But that number, 250,000 very young people killed, which some say is fake news spread by the Russians? “Since the outbreak of war, no firm figure has been given for Ukrainian dead. I don’t know Russians. And I’m not accusing others of taking money from the American embassy. I’m just stating facts. And I wait for someone to prove to me that they are not true. Instead, the most slanderous accusation of pro-Putinism comes from the “guaranteeists”. So I ask: Mark Milley, head of the US military, when he said, sadly adding, that Ukraine will not be able to reconquer the lost regions and the conflict can only end with negotiations, had he spoken to Putin? And the Pope when he spoke of “NATO barking at the gates of Russia”?  ».

The Farnesina, in a note, specifies that “Dr. Basile is no longer an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and has no role within the Administration” and that “the public demonstrations of Dr. Basile do not in any way reflect the position of the government or of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and are therefore expressed in a purely personal capacity».

2023-07-06 14:26:15
#Italian #ambassador #Belgium #reveals #proRussian #articles #Hypatia

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