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Controversial Caption Sparks Outrage in London: “He doesn’t represent real Londoners”

“He doesn’t represent real Londoners.” Attached to a photograph of a white family, these words published in a guide published on the official website of the mayor of London have created intense controversy across the English Channel, says the British weekly Mail on Sunday.

This photo was published in a guide written by the communication team of the mayor of London to give instructions on how to put it on public documents, says the British weekly.

Sadiq Khan was forced to disavow the caption through his spokesperson: “The caption was added in error by a staff member and does not reflect the mayor’s opinion. Content is being reviewed to ensure language and guidance are appropriate. However, the guide began with the words: “A city for all Londoners”, promising to appeal to everyone, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. , disability or family composition”. The complete guide has also been removed from the official site. Susan Hall, the Conservative candidate in the 2024 London mayoral election, reacted to the controversy in the Mail on Sunday, saying that “all Londoners are true Londoners, regardless of their ethnicity. Sadiq Khan must stop these desperate and politically motivated attempts to divide people.”

2023-08-22 20:01:09
#London #controversy #publication #photograph #suggesting #white #family #represent #true #Londoners #News

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