Home » Business » Controversial Baby Name McCarlie Receives Wave of Criticism and McDonald’s Comparisons

Controversial Baby Name McCarlie Receives Wave of Criticism and McDonald’s Comparisons

A huge wave of criticism fell on the expectant mother. She wanted to know what people say about the name she likes. But according to many, it is appalling and sounds like a product from the McDonald’s menu.

Choosing a name for a child can be quite a challenge. In addition, parents always have to take into account that some people will not like it. One mother-to-be was therefore interested in what others would say about one name. She therefore asked for advice, the portal writes The Sun.

Then the post on the social network Reddit shared by one of the users. “What do you think of this girl’s name? Right now I’m loving the name McCarlie for my little girl,” the woman said.

But people didn’t quite share her enthusiasm. “We’re headed in a terrible direction as a society,” lamented one person after reading the name.

Some immediately remembered their favorite fast food. “Sounds like a McDonald’s menu item,” pointed out one commenter. “You met her big sister Grimace (a character who appeared in commercials; note ed.) or the oldest McCheese brother?” asked another.

“His name will be McChicken,” one user of the social network joked. “Is it with fries?” concluded the last.

Meet Anička, the first baby born in 2023:


2023-07-08 03:45:00
#People #criticized #womans #daughter #Sounds #fast #food #menu #laugh #TN.cz

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