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Controlling Blood Sugar for Improved Health and Wellness

You can improve if you control your blood sugar well.

Entered 2023.10.14 17:00 Views 86 Entered 2023.10.14 17:00 Modified 2023.10.13 15:27 Views 86 Reporter Lee Ji-won

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Diabetics especially complain of pain in their hands and feet. It’s easy to ignore it, but you should be careful because it can be a symptom of ‘neuropathy’, one of the microvascular complications of diabetes. Neuropathy can also be improved by controlling blood sugar well, so early detection and thorough blood sugar control are the keys.

According to the Korean Diabetes Association, when blood sugar level is high, circulation problems occur in the microcirculation blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. When toxic substances accumulate and nerve cells are damaged, diabetic neuropathy symptoms appear. Pain occurs first in both feet and legs rather than in the hands, and symptoms tend to worsen at night. If you have neuropathy, the risk of foot ulcers and foot infections increases, so you should check your feet carefully often and wear socks to protect your feet.

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Reporter Lee Ji-won

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2023-10-14 08:00:19

#건강당당 #hands #feet #tingling #Signs #diabetic #neuropathy

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