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Control over the organization and conduct of hunting is strengthened in Belarus | Society

The autumn-winter hunting season in Belarus is considered the most extensive and popular. Therefore, during this period, control over the organization and conduct of hunting is strengthened, said the State Inspectors for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President.

An important place is assigned for protection work, including the population. Special attention is paid to the storage of illegal means of hunting wild animals and their voluntary surrender.

The auditor also spoke about the violations that were identified. Thus, in the Chaussky district, the fact of illegal hunting of two European deer was established, and two residents of Mogilev were detained. The men were only allowed to hunt ducks. The damage to the environment amounted to 240 base values. Criminal charges were initiated against citizens.

Another case of poaching occurred on the hunting grounds of the Gantsevichi region.

Three men in the Gantsevichi area were carrying the carcass of a wild animal in a car. They were arrested by officers from the raiding party and local traffic police. The men did not have the necessary documents to transport the animal.

The men admitted to hunting unregulated animal species and one of their companions was illegally hunting deer, state investigators said.

Citizens in the hunting grounds of the Uzdensky district were also detained for illegally hunting deer. The damage caused to the environment due to the illegal hunting of two deer amounted to 240 base values. A criminal case has been opened.

State investigators reminded that there is a 24-hour helpline. By calling 8 (017) 390-00-00 or 8 (033) 333-60-00, you can report an impending or ongoing breach of environmental legislation.

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