hope: in 2019, a motherecuadorian from brooklyn sawow a heavy wall killedthe life of his little daughter. theconstruction had beenjonathan: 3 years fromthe tragedy, the companyconstruction company in 30 positions.peter ortega talked with themother and her representative, weexplains our rights astenants and responsibilitiesas homeowners.peter: in the place he occupiesthis metal fence had awall in poor conditionin 2019 venues toó above theecuadorian girl alisson pintocausing his death. everythingahead of his own mother. 3years later, the contractor andyour company faces chargesas criminal negligence,others.the small wood that yourlawyer told us about itresponsibility and right totenants and landlordssituations like that.>> let justice be done for whatless, since I don’t have medaughter, there is nothing else to do.peter: the defendant and his companyThey supposedly built astone wall of well inviolation of the code ofnew york constructionthe contractor had notobtained the permits let’s go,did not reinforce or secure thestructure, as required by thelaw.Maia’s lawyer says thatthis is not an isolated case.a lot of theconstruction work ismade by the communitylatina.like many do not understand theirrights, take advantage ofthey.a department engineerof buildings that responded tocollapse, allegedly observedthat there were no rebarsteel in none of thepillars. determined that the wallit was unstable.>> losing my daughter is for melose like a right handthat’s why it’s important thatbefore choosing or againstIt’s for a job, man onaccount the following. askreferences, proof ofsure go to the site to seeif there are complaints.look for evidence of badreputation of the contractor.check if you are licensed oris registered in your county.ask if they are neededwork permits andcheck with your local officecode before starting.advise that if you believe thatthere is a deficiency cancall the city at 311,cut it out and the city will sendan investigation team.Maya shared this idea with usof his smiling daughter alisson,