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Contraception, sexuality, pregnancy… The Gien family planning and education center remains open to everyone

“The Wednesday afternoon doctor’s consultation slots are still busy.” The two confinements and the famous virus did not impact the Gien family planning and education center (CPEF), quite the contrary.

It is not always easy to bring up certain subjects with those close to you. Contraception, sexuality, pregnancy … Many themes remain taboo and many minors do not hesitate to turn to the CPEF, with which they find an attentive ear.

Young people wonder, especially about contraception. And sometimes they are a little afraid, but we manage to reassure them. We’re usually the first people they talk to“, says Anne Grégoire, marriage and family counselor.

Parents increasingly involved

At the CPEF, anonymity is guaranteed. This confidentiality facilitates exchanges between patients and staff. A second entrance – like a secret passage – is made available if necessary. “Many appreciate coming a little unknown”, adds Catherine De Metz, social affairs assistant. In particular for medical consultations involving a voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion).

Gynecological consultations are free for minors and the uninsured.

For this intervention, the staff play a role of accompaniment and help in thinking. The women are surrounded by a doctor and midwives from the Gien hospital center. Minors must be accompanied by the adult of their choice.

We strongly advise them to tell their parents about it. and, for the most part, they follow the recommendations. “

Sylvie Lamontagne (head of the social department)

For some time, parents get more and more involved and take the necessary steps with their children, notes the manager. A positive finding in situations where young people have a real need for support.

This is Sidaction: a mobilization was organized on Saturday March 27, in the streets of Orléans, to encourage research

The center also provides preventive actions in schools. It works in colleges and high schools in the region, from Sully-sur-Loire to Châtillon-sur-Loire.

“We are always there for young people. We discuss respect for the body, contraception, consent, sexually transmitted diseases, but also harassment, social networks. They have questions and are interested. “

Anne Gregory (marriage and family counselor)

Supporting couples

Unfortunately, the coronavirus has put the brakes on the good deeds of the CPEF. School interventions are suspended, only those in medico-educational institutes could be (in part) maintained.

For more than two years, the Family Planning of Orleans has been practicing the method of aspiration abortion.

The Giennese center is open to young and old, single people and couples. Often overlooked, supporting marital and family crisis situations is one of the main missions of the CPEF. “I was able, for example, to accompany two retired couples. You have to discuss habits, learn to respect each other, know the limits of a couple. What is fascinating is that life stories are different from each other“, says the advisor.

Convenient. Family Planning and Education Center, 10 rue des Tulipes. Information on or at [email protected]

Elodie Pradel

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