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Continuing to lose personnel, the Russian military calls for reinforcements from all over the country

LONDON, KOMPAS.com – Military Russia reportedly called in reinforcements from all corners of the country due to continued loss of personnel.

This was conveyed by the UK Ministry of Defense according to the latest public intelligence assessment released on Tuesday (15/3/2022), as reported by CNN.

Russia is increasingly seeking to get additional troops to support and compensate for its personnel losses,” the UK Ministry of Defence said.

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“It seems that Russia is struggling to carry out offensive operations in the face of resistance Ukraine on an ongoing basis,” continued the UK Ministry of Defence.

The British Ministry of Defense said Russia was deploying troops from as far away as the Eastern Military District, the Pacific Fleet and Armenia.

The ministry also said that Moscow also took advantage of combatants from other sources such as private military companies, Syrians and other mercenaries.

Russia is likely to seek to use these forces to defend captured territory and free up its fighting forces to renew stalled offensive operations,” the UK Ministry of Defence said.

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Reported Kompas.com Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday (11/3/2022) allowed about 16,000 volunteers from the Middle East to be deployed with Russian-backed rebels to fight in Ukraine.

The move allows Russia to deploy reliable mercenaries from conflicts like Syria without the additional risk of Russian military casualties.

At a meeting of the Russian Security Council, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said there were 16,000 volunteers in the Middle East ready to come to fight alongside Russian-backed forces in the breakaway Donbass region of eastern Ukraine.

“If you see that there are people who want of their own accord, not for money, to come to the aid of the people living in the Donbass, then we need to give them what they want and help them get to the conflict zone,” he said. Putin in the Kremlin, quoted from Reuters.

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