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Contextualizing Music


Viktor Ullmann String Quartet No. 3, Op. 46
Philip Herschkowitz String Quartet Movement

Gabriel Iranyi String Quartet No. 4 Pause

Franz Schubert “Cello”-String Quintet in C major, D 956, op. mail. 163

When asked what the most beautiful melody was for him, the miner and weaver student Philip said
Herschkowitz, Jewish-Romanian-Russian-Austrian – in short: European – composer and musicologist: “The most beautiful melody is the second theme from Schönberg’s
Chamber Symphony”. Did Herschkowitz feel a call from higher spheres? We can, we want to
imitate him?

A great work of music, regardless of size or length, is a phenomenon that
can be almost cosmologically comprehensive. In it, entities, clusters are balanced
and weighed against each other, they fertilize or cancel each other out and set
Energy is released, which sometimes reveals itself as an act of creation, sometimes as an equation, sometimes as an emotion,
whose universal laws are not only reflected in the mind: they also grow as
indivisible unity at heart, wholly feeling yet without sentimentality, and from the
Accounting for 8ths, 4ths, beats and rests ultimately grows that
Adventures in the love of music, which still has a lot to offer that is unknown, beautiful and unknown, ready to fit into the ranks of the big picture.

You are cordially invited to this adventure!

Meeting point: Great Hall

Languages: English German

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