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Contents of Skincare Ingredients That Can and Can’t for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers: Okezone Lifestyle

APPARENTLY The selection of ingredients in skincare products that are used daily must be considered carefully. Especially if the condition, we are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Did you know, in pregnancy we can check the pregnancy category inside? skincare.

Dari tabel Pregnancy Categories for Drug yang dirilis oleh Food and Drug Administration Amerika (FDA) ada lima kategori di dalamnya, yakni A (No fetal risk in controlled studies) B (No risk to human fetus, despite possibel animal risk or no risks in animal studies but human studies lacking), C (Human risk cannot be ruled out. Animal studies may or not may not show risk), D (Evidence of risk to human fetus), dan X (Contraindicated in pregnancy).

Dermatologist and Researcher, dr. Arini Widodo, SpKK, said that the ingredients included in categories A and B are considered safe for use in pregnancy. While category X absolutely should not be used in pregnancy.

So what are the ingredients of skincare products that can be used and which ones should be avoided?

“Examples of products that are safe to use in pregnancy are vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid. Well, what is avoided during pregnancy is vitamin A derivatives (eg retinol, retinoids), bleaches such as hydroquinone, BHA more than 2 percent,” said dr. Arini was at a virtual gathering earlier this week.

Especially for sunscreen products, he suggested that pregnant or nursing mothers should use a physical sunscreen.

Also read: Can People with Autoimmune Skin Use Skincare?

“It is recommended to use physical sunscreens (such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) instead of mineral sunscreens (avobenzone, oxybenzone and others),” he added.


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