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Contents – FOMO – Curtis: It’s hard to say what to say

Although he prepared with all his might, the boxing match between Curtis and Slovakian rapper Rytmus was missed.

Attila Széki, Curtis, made a sad post on the first day of Christmas, as it turned out that the rapper will not be able to fight Slovakian Rytmus in the first official boxing match of his life. The match was announced earlier this month by Széki, then he said he knows his Slovakian opponent well and respects his work, so a manly crowd can be expected.

It’s better if my opponent takes my right hand seriously, which is quite punchy, just like my texts!

– said a few weeks ago Curtis, who informed his followers about the current situation of the match in a post on Instagram dated December 25th.

It’s hard to say what to say right now… I was prepared for this match! It all cost me a lot. Unfortunately, my opponent, Rytmus, canceled the game today due to illness. I don’t want to comment… I wish him well…

– began the rapper’s post, who then added that he could only hope that everyone will be compensated for the missed match.

Thank you so much for the many messages of encouragement and the constant support from so many of you. Special thanks to my partners for being by my side. We will continue together on the path we have dreamed of

– finished. You can see the post in its entirety below:

(Cover photo: Curtis on February 18, 2022. Photo: Patrícia Bodnár / Index)