Home » today » World » Conte warns Schlein: “The Democratic Party must withdraw accusations of disloyalty or it will be difficult to collaborate”

Conte warns Schlein: “The Democratic Party must withdraw accusations of disloyalty or it will be difficult to collaborate”

The Bari case risks widening and completely blowing up the so-called wide field between Pd and M5S. After the no of Giuseppe Conte in the primaries for the choice of the mayoral candidate who yesterday infuriated the party of Elly Schlein (who will speak this afternoon in the capital) it is the leader of the Movement himself who issues a warning to the Nazarene. The message of which is: withdraw the accusations of disloyalty or say goodbye to alliances.

“If they don’t withdraw the accusations of disloyalty, it will become increasingly difficult to work with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party cannot expect us to subscribe to everything that comes from the past. We are for legality, if the Democratic Party is willing to take a new path without throwing the whole past overboard is fine, otherwise we’ll take note of it.” Thus Conte speaking to The air that blows, su La7, connected from Puglia.

“We never have primaries – continued Conte –. We found ourselves having accepted, because the Democratic Party was firm on Leccese. When we started discussing the rules the Democratic Party was adamant. We asked for at least one thing: a pre- registration to better check that there are no uncontrollable last minute votes, of people who happen to pass by in Bari. The Democratic Party has been adamant on this.”

“Laforgia was not indicated” by the M5S, Conte said on the sidelines of a meeting with voters in Bari. “Michele Laforgia was nominated by a civic body.” And again: “No impeding reason was told to me. We remain our candidate and we are more convinced than ever to stick with him and have him as our candidate for mayor.”

Conte explained that he had telephoned Schlein on Wednesday, underlining that “if the situation had been compromised and that if there had been new investigations we would not have been willing to pretend nothing had happened by continuing with the primaries”. The next day, the case of the regional councilor broke out Anita Maurodinoia who resigned due to an exchange of votes was therefore for the M5S leader.

“Conte was wrong: in Bari there was a path identified together which involved the local candidates. Conte cannot question the firmness with which the center-left has opposed illegality and organized crime in the Apulian capital in recent years”. He said it this morning Chiara Bragaleader of the Pd group in the Chamber, speaking on Radio too.

#Conte #warns #Schlein #Democratic #Party #withdraw #accusations #disloyalty #difficult #collaborate
– 2024-05-11 00:50:02

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