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Conte: “Resurrecting Renzi? Unacceptable choice, it’s harakiri. And it opens a wound with the M5S”

“I too am convinced that resurrecting Renzirewarding him after the European electoral defeat and his repeated failures, is a choice that would have a very heavy cost for the seriousness and credibility of the alternative project to Melons“, the leader of the M5S tells Ansa, Joseph Contecommenting on the intervention on Daily Fact Of Godfrey Bettini. Who considers it “right to drop the vetoes” but “odd to give the keys to the enlargement of the center-left to Renzi. The former prime minister has exhausted a cycle”.

Conte’s position is clear. As he explained in an interview with Republic in recent days: “To aggregate two or three percent of votes, they would make all the M5S voters flee, and also a good part of those of the PD. Many people stop me in the street and beg me not to take Renzi on board. They fear his destructive capacity, he has always distinguished himself by bringing down governments, rather than making them last. Not to mention the times he voted with the right in Parliament”.

Conte: “Grillo should stop influencing the 5 Star Movement. Renzi? He’s making us lose votes”

by Stefano Cappellini

And now Conte reiterates the concept: “It would be a choice that would be incomprehensible to the voters, given that Italia Viva has almost systematically voted with the center-right in this legislature and governs with the right in many territorial administrations. But – he adds, speaking to Ansa – it is an unacceptable choice even if we want the progressive political project to be built in the name, for us essential, of public ethics and the fight against profiteering. Leaving this space to Renzi, crowning him so blatantly as a credible representative of a moderate pole, is a great harakiri”.

Foreign Policy

The former prime minister then criticizes the opening to the leader of Italia Viva who is liked by the bigwigs of the Democratic Party: “The method and merit with which all this is happening and is supported by the leaders of the Democratic Party is opening a serious wound with my community of the M5S: a community that anthropologically understands politics in a diametrically opposed way. If then someone thinks that Renzi can facilitate a direct dialogue with the US Democratic Party and with the Israeli government then I say that, all the more reason, a strong clarification on foreign policy is needed: for us of the 5 Star Movement, Italian governments are not decided in Washington”. Renzi’s response was not long in coming. “Giuseppe Conte’s attention to foreign policy issues is worthy of serious, transparent and rigorous analysis. For our idea of ​​the center-left, the relationship with the Americans is not up for discussion. We do not let Washington choose governments – he adds – obviously, and even more obviously we do not let Moscow decide for us. As for American politics between Trump e Harris we have no doubts: we are on the side of the American Democrats, of Kamala without ifs and buts. We hope that the whole broad field is on the side of the progressives against the sovereignists”.

#Conte #Resurrecting #Renzi #Unacceptable #choice #harakiri #opens #wound #M5S
– 2024-09-01 00:17:24

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