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Conte blocks the center-right: “No to Corona to the Unknown Soldier”

After the cancellation of the parade scheduled in Rome in via dei Fori imperiali for next June 2 due to issues still linked to the fear of new infections, now comes yet another slap from the Palazzo Chigi center with which the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said he wanted to keep constructive dialogue open.

To celebrate the Republic Day, simply taking a wreath to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni, the secretary of the League Matteo Salvini and the vice-president of Forza had already agreed Italy Antonio Tajani.

Like a bolt from the blue, the news of the refusal to the request made by them arrived for the center-right representatives, also because no one from Palazzo Chigi took care to notify the interested parties of the journalists from whom they learned the news first.

“I learn from the press that our Prime Minister’s rejection of our request to place, together with Salvini and Tajani, a laurel wreath to the Unknown Soldier at the end of the demonstration that we organized for June 2nd”Giorgia Meloni complains on the personal Twitter page. “Beyond the reasons for the denial, which I do not know, is it normal for journalists to be communicated before us? These are the methods of Palazzo Chigi, he deliberately ends controversially.

“Ceaușescu was more democratic”, comments a user under the post of the leader of Fratelli d’Italia. “But you have to ask? Just go there!”, replies another, while someone remembers what happened instead during the so-called Liberation Day: “You see, you count less than a few partisan.

Even Matteo Salvini on Twitter wanted to express all his disappointment on the story. “We learn from the press that we would have been denied permission to lay a wreath at the Altare della Patria on June 2. Can’t you even honor the memory and value of the Italian soldiers who fell to defend the homeland? democracy… “, the former Interior Minister vents.

No new, at least for the moment, on demonstration organized on the occasion of the Republic Day. “We will give voice to the center-right allies, to millions of Italians forgotten and betrayed by the Italian government”, confirms on Facebook Giorgia Meloni talking about the mobilization against the executive team chaired by Giuseppe Conte. “We will do it in 100 squares, with symbolic initiatives, in safety and respecting the regulations. Instead, in early July, get ready for a great event national, he concluded.

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