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Conte and those three super decision makers. Here are the “full powers” of Covid

The counter to date has marked 345 deeds signed by the institutions to deal with the emergency coronavirus. An intricate jungle made up of laws, decrees, ordinances, resolutions, circulars, notes, ministerial decrees. A forest where almost everyone has the famous dpcm in mind, which however are only at the tip of the iceberg. There pandemic in fact it has centralized the decision-making weight on a small number of actors with “a lot of power, not controlled”. And that perhaps they have escaped public attention.

This is what emerges from theOpenpolis final analysis dedicated to the health emergency. Obviously, the danger has imposed “a streamlined chain of command capable of acting by derogating from the normal limits”, but it is also true that even with the slowdown of infections, the role of Parliament has remained marginal. 91.9% of the decisions adopted in recent months have not even remotely seen the involvement of the Chambers. And even when the first tale he promised “greater centrality”, the monitoring reads, “the number of acts on which deputies and senators have had the opportunity to intervene has remained a minimum percentage”. The reason? Most of the measures were taken with administrative acts which, as such, require neither the approval of the Parliament nor that of the President of the Republic. Out of the total of 345, only 28 had “the force of law”, therefore obliged to pass parliament. Not much.

In times of controversy about “little potter”(Unfortunate sentence uttered by Salvini), the analysis of what happened cannot fail to arouse attention. Not only for Conte’s hyperactivity on the now famous dpcm, as well as on everything that revolves around Palazzo Chigi. “During the state of emergency – points out Openpolis – many of the normal limits that constrain the activity of administrators are no longer valid. In addition, strategic decisions are made by a small number of players ”. Among these not only the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri, but also the general secretary of the ministry of health Giuseppe Ruocco and the Chief Executive Officer of Consip Cristiano Cannarsa. A trio of names sometimes ended up in the spotlight (especially Arcuri), but often instead free to move in general silence. “Appointed actuators by the Civil Protection – recalls OpenPolis – they had the opportunity to act outside the usual regulatory limits and with a special special accounting to carry out these tasks. Two elements that put together give a lot of uncontrolled power ”.

Things have not improved with “phase 2”. Of course, there has been some progress. Conte has reduced the use of dpcm. Ministers came to the Chamber several times to report on their activities. The government has given up on putting the question of trust to the dl. And the Chambers have obtained the “privilege” of being able to read the measures related to the emergency before their approval. However, “the participation of these in the decision-making process remains very limited.” monitoring, the situation “should set off alarm bells. The public coffers languish (despite the suspended stability pact, the crisis has cost over 100 billion in debt). The economy is not running. And you mustn’t go wrong. We need maximum sharing, however “there are still too many decisions that escape any kind of control”.

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