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“Conte and his theaters have bored us”

Michele Criscello analyzes the hot topics of our football in his editorial for Tuttomercatoweb: “One thing we can say: Conte and his theaters have bored us. So at Juventus, so at Chelsea and so also at Inter. The only club with a future prospect and strong ownership. Perhaps we should first say that Conte no longer has desire to train and look only for a heavy contract, lasting several years, and then give up in the first year. Better if a winner. It extends your career, pardon the years of contract, otherwise he gives up with the nose because the game was not successful. This year he was succeeding. And he would have fooled us all. If he had brought home the Europa League, we would not have remembered the championship that ended in December (despite the ranking says -1 from the head), a bad Champions League and an Italian Cup lost in the semifinals in Naples. The show after Bergamo, the sentences of Cologne, the attacks on society, on the property that satisfied him in everything and the usual tears of those who complain. He also involved the family. Let’s not go into details but all coaches i work and stay away from their families, even 1,000 kilometers from home, for 2,000 euros a month, and see their wife and children twice a month if there are no midweeks. Conte’s words are neither in heaven nor on earth. You don’t sign a three-year contract if you’re talking about family. If, on the other hand, you were referring to something else or to leaks, you made names and surnames. First: you should say thanks to Marotta for the triennial and for the trust. Second: if you want to attack Piero Ausilio (and you would do well) you should give names and surnames. Not a word, however, from Antonio Conte on the non-play expressed by Inter throughout the league and the tactical lesson taken by Sevilla. Because if we want to talk about Conte we must also and above all talk about football. Since when haven’t we seen a Conte team play well? From the times of Bari and Siena. There we saw real football. Gone in the big he won, of course, but innovative football has never been seen. Some flashes in the national team and some Christmas lights this year. The goleada to Lecce, little stuff, the victory with Atalanta and the second half of the derby. Add the Europa League semi-final and the circle is as good as closed. Conte was hungry and his tiger eyes made the difference. After removing those, putting on his jacket, Conte became bourgeois and lost 80% of his real value. Tactically usual monotony. 3-5-2 deployed, extremely defensive team deployed behind and off the counter in search of tips. Thus was born the 1-0 penalty against Sevilla. The Spaniards taught him a lesson. The low winger pushed like wings, a quality midfield and a great position on the pitch. Conte remained with the match in hand, caged by his 3-5-2 that does not change even under torture. A limit for a coach who earns one million euros a month. Allegri, at Juventus, will have changed 5-6 modules during his experience in Turin. The 3 behind are pure defenders. There is no Kolarov, so to speak, that goes down and pushes. D’Ambrosio is the fifth in midfield but he is a full-back, Young made the outside high when he pushed, then he lowered his position by several meters in the last years of his career and the 3 midfielders are all of quantity, even to prefer Gagliardini to quality by Eriksen. Forward counterattack or individuality of the two strong pieces of the team. Conte should talk about this. Not managers, contracts and family. He has to explain his non-football. What Chelsea didn’t like, so they got rid of it early. Sevilla’s first defenders were offensive players, Inter’s first strikers were defensive players. This is the difference. In addition to the defensive disasters on inactive balls with the line defense deployed very badly. Today will be the day of truth. Allegri is ready. Few requests, less expensive and above all he will do the best with what he finds; and it is not cheap. Conte hopes to be sent away but doesn’t give up the money. Hope, at least, in a full year of contract. If Inter fall into the trap they will not deserve praise. Count away? Ok but the two years of salary remain in place.
Milan gets “blackmailed” by Ibrahimovic. His agent, Mino Raiola, speaks the day before the meeting and announces that Ibra will not be there. The agreement is missing. Under these conditions, Milan don’t even have to sit down and talk. Are you a company that you make a young project and then hang from Ibra’s lips? If the conditions aren’t right it’s not worth it. You should look for a younger and cheaper tip. Experience is fine but the identity card weighs on everyone. Ibra should, for once, be satisfied and help the club to grow young people. Instead, apparently, he is always and only interested in the even more substantial current account. Milan guilty of delay on the transfer market. Too many entries and exits still to be done. Then they will blame Pioli if the team does not engage immediately.
In closing a comment on the Liverani mess. A must premise: Lecce made a mistake in communicating when they formalized Fabio Liverani’s exemption. He spoke of just cause and left many interpretations open. Official statements must be three lines long and only talk about formal things. To put it to Galliani. But we understand that a company that designs everything in detail has been surprised and disappointed by Liverani’s behavior. If you think about it, the only club in Italy that has a project is Lecce. From C to A with the same coach. Three years of technical guidance entrusted to Liverani and the project would have continued even in the fourth year if there had not been the unexpected twist. So organized, the company of Sticchi Damiani that the day after the relegation had already Corvino out of the office and the agreement with Liverani for the year of Serie B. Liverani, for twenty days, had planned the market, had Dr. Palaia sent away and the summer retreat was decided at the table. He could have done it by adding a “but … if he calls me a Serie A know that I’m leaving”. Instead he left Lecce suddenly, because Carli skipped in Cagliari no longer had Serie A in his hands. Carli, who moved to Parma, immediately called him and Liverani rushed to leave Lecce without a coach. Corini signed a three-year, other club demonstration he plans. Liverani made a miracle in Salento and proved to everyone that he is a great coach. He will have an important career because it is in his DNA. In Lecce, however, he made the wrong times and ways “.

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