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Contaminated caregivers: the French nursing college deplores “a lack of transparency”

The French nursing college (CIF) and its organizations have expressed their “deep worries and concerns” faced with the Covid-19 epidemic and “its ravages” among nursing professionals. They deplore in particular a lack of transparency on the figures concerning morbidity and nursing mortality.

 Contaminated caregivers: the French nursing college deplores a lack of transparencyWe remain on our questions in terms of epidemiological data. How many nurses are infected? Hospitalized? In intensive care? And more tragically deceased?“asks the CIF, which deplores a”lack of official data“, and one “shift“, especially in nursing homes and the liberal sector.

We ask to know legitimately the real figures of infected, hospitalized or deceased within our nursing profession, including among students. This disclosure of data is part of fair transparency. It will allow us to assess the epidemiological situation of our profession in the face of this tragic health crisis, many of which will emerge exhausted and marked forever, not forgetting the nurses who are abused, even mistreated or attacked, some of whom have been laid off for claiming protective equipment to safely care for patients“.

The CIF hopes to be able to set up a prevention, monitoring and even professional and psychological support system for the profession.

This request comes at a time when Santé Publique France has published since April 22 in its weekly epidemiological points, data on cases of confirmed or probable contamination identified since March 1, by Sars-CoV-2 among professionals (all professionals combined) hospitals and medico-social establishments.

The latest assessment (epidemiological point of Friday, May 29, 2020) reports 30,230 cases among hospital professionals (including 16 deaths) and of 41,228 cases for staff in the medico-social sector (in nursing homes in particular).

No data relating to the contamination of liberal health professionals is currently available, it is noted.

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[Long format, en accès libre]

Contaminated caregivers: the reasons for anger (May 2020)

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