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Containment, curfew … Europe in dispersed order in the face of the third wave of Covid-19

Could there be a miracle recipe implemented in Europe by our neighbors against Covid-19? “No, the good students of today are the bad students of yesterday or tomorrow. The epidemic is operating in rebounds, each state experiences the situation in a different way depending, in particular, on the acceptability of the measures in its population, ”replies Anne Sénéquier, co-director of the health observatory at Iris (Institut de international and strategic relations).

No global strategy is emerging. Our divided neighbors are taking measures piecemeal, between lifting of curfews and returning restrictions. Overview of the developments that have marked these last days.

Stricter restrictions

Italy has been three quarters confined since Monday March 14. Eleven of the twenty regions and provinces have automatically moved into the “red zone” with new restrictions: closure of schools, colleges, high schools and universities as well as bars and restaurants. “The country has taken radical measures, particularly in Rome or in the North with the border region of Piedmont, where we see that the virus is once again circulating very actively”, recalls Patrick Martin-Genier, specialist in European issues at Sciences-po Paris.

In Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel authorized at the beginning of March, under pressure from the Länder, certain relaxations with a complex system of openings and “emergency closures”, the specter of stricter national containment has since returned. A few days.

In Spain, a new state of health alert was declared in early March, the curfew is maintained every evening from 10 p.m., depending on the region. In this country, where Easter week causes massive displacement, the authorities have decided to ban travel between regions.

On the other hand, it is still possible for foreign travelers to enter the country with negative PCR tests of less than 72 hours. The city of Madrid is an exception. Cafes, hotels and restaurants are open there.

These countries that ease restrictions

Some countries are experiencing a relaxation of measures. Portugal, which had entered into severe confinement in mid-January, on Monday March 14 began a gradual deconfinement plan, with the reopening of nurseries and primary schools, hairdressing salons or bookstores.

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Update on the Covid-19 epidemic

The situation in Great Britain, which entered into a very gradual deconfinement plan at the end of February, is changing slowly. While schools have been able to reopen, pubs, restaurants and non-essential businesses still have to wait a month.

The Netherlands has decided to reopen schools and certain businesses at the end of February despite the increase in cases, but the curfew remains in force until the end of March. As a reminder, this country, where elections were held last weekend, was marked in January by major anti-containment demonstrations.

The Nordic countries always more flexible

In Denmark, confinement ended on March 1. Schools and businesses have reopened with restrictions, but bars and restaurants have not. In Norway and Finland, restrictions exist but they are more moderate, with the limitation of social relations and the obligation to wear a mask.

As for Sweden, it is still an exception. The country has never imposed a curfew or containment even at the height of the epidemic. Wearing a mask is just compulsory in transport. “But it would seem that this country, against the tide of the others, is now being caught up by the virus”, warns Anne Sénéquier.

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