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CONTAINMENT: Cross a department subject to travel restrictions in peace

You live in the Côte-d’Or, you will spend the Easter weekend in the South of France and cross the Rhône department, confined. How to cross the Villefranche-Limas toll without worrying about the police?

Answers with
and the Prefecture of the Rhône.
-For several weeks, 19 departments of France, including Nièvre for Bourgogne Franche-Comté, are subject to restrictions due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. It is not possible for them to leave without cause more than 10 km from their home

Nowadays (30 mars 2021) Côte-d’Or, like the other departments of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, with the exception of Nièvre, are not affected by the new health restrictions linked to the Covid-19 epidemic. But the question that some are asking is how to cross, for example, the Rhône department if you decide to spend the Easter weekend in the South of France? Since the implementation of this “arranged confinement” the police checks have multiplied and the residents of these departments must justify their displacement.

What are the obligations for Burgundians or Francs-Comtois?

If you take the A6 in the direction of Lyon to join, for example, Montélimar in the Drôme, a department without restriction of movement, it is quite possible that a gendarmerie check will take place at the Villefranche-Limas toll in the Rhône . To justify the fact that you are not going for a walk in Lyon or in another city of this department, you will have to justify your transit by several documents.

– An ID
– Proof of address proving that you do not live in a confined department
– Proof of travel. This can be a rent receipt for a second home, a vacation rental contract, or even a certificate from your mother-in-law if you decide to share the leg of lamb with her for Easter.

The more you can prove that you are only in transit in a confined department, the smoother the dialogue will be with the police.

According to the Rhône Prefecture, which we contacted: “Transit through departments placed under reinforced measures is authorized. On the other hand, it is not possible to stop there to spend the night there, for example. You must be able to justify your trip and in particular the fact that you do not live in the Rhône ”

Valid obligations to cross all the departments concerned by these new measures.

Norbert Banchet

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