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Contagion Curve slows down but this wave will be longer than the first

“The curve is slowing down and will soon begin to descend again but will lengthen over time, compared to that of the first wave as we have more cases, spread throughout the country, diagnosed even much better, thanks to a test activity in continuous growth “. To speak to Corriere della Sera is Ranieri Guerra, Deputy Director of the World Health Organization. He did so during a long interview during which he took stock of the situation of the pandemia in the Coronavirus in Italy, as well as some predictions for the next one Christmas, that according to the expert “he will have to be sober, even if the numbers of the epidemic improve. It would be a big mistake to let go, as happened in the summer”.

According to Ranieri Guerra, the epidemiological curve in Italy is slowly cooling down, but this is not entirely good news. “We are seeing a slowdown in the speed of transmission which is not the same as decreasing cases growth is less steep. They are probably the effects of the first Dpcm of 24 October which introduced very light measures. Then there were two others, the last of which linked to the introduction of the color zones determined by the monitoring system that the Government and the regions have agreed to activate. And it is from this that we await more important results. Time one ten days“.

So, the measures are working but for the effects we still have to wait a bit. “Better to proceed like this right now, rather than with generalized closures – said Guerra -. I believe that the trend of the curve will prove the government right, which strongly wanted it. We will be able to gradually streamline the system and perhaps discuss a revision of it together, for example, with colleagues from the Italian Association of Epidemiology and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and with the many academics and professionals who are trying to give indications of completion very appropriate and relevant, but the architecture of the system remains very valid and works, unique in Europe “. This is because even if the curve goes down” the virus will not disappear “.

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