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‘Contacted by the FIGC after the victory over Spain and the police knew what to do’: the background on the bus discovered that nails the prefect of Rome | First page

The story relating to the Monday parade through the streets of the center of Rome of the delegation of the Italian national team is turning into a real political case, fresh winner of the European Championship. The parade with the bus uncovered, escorted by two wings of a crowd at her side, first raised the indictment of the Prefect of Rome, Matteo Piantedosi – who pointed the finger at the players, in particular Bonucci and Chiellini, intent on negotiating outside Palazzo Chigi with the representatives of the police, and the Federcalcio – which spoke of an unauthorized demonstration and ignored orders, triggering the subsequent replicas of the FIGC and Bonucci himself.

In the reconstruction of the facts it is added now an important testimony, that of Big Bus Tours, the company that made the open bus available on Monday who led the players and the staff of the national team through the streets of the capital. Asked by The Corriere della Sera, speak openly of a direct contact with the FIGC, which started immediately after the semi-final victory against Spain: “After that match they contacted us, telling us that among the various hypotheses on the table, in the event of a triumph with England, there was also this. So we made available one of our means and we agreed on how to operate. On Monday, we received a call from the Federation around 4.30pm asking us to move from the depot to the city center. Only later, when we were already on the road, did they call us a second time and told us to go to Palazzo Chigi “.

According to the source inside Big Bus Tours, the authorities, however, were aware of what was happening, as the behavior of the members of the police forces during those hours would demonstrate: “They helped us get through the crowd, evidently they had been warned otherwise they would have blocked us. Once we got there (in Piazza Colonna, ed), we were sure that the players would get on, no one seemed to be asking the problem anymore. The decision had certainly already been made before, when we were advised to leave the warehouse to reach the city center. We were a little worried about the crowd, but the police knew exactly what we had to do. They told us which roads we would cross and this reassured us, so much so that there were no problems of public order “, concluded the anonymous source.-

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