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Consumers in Mexico distrust recommendations from influencers • Business • Forbes Mexico

While in recent years it has become common for an influencer to recommend a brand or product on social media, that strategy is no longer a good idea in the Mexican market, according to a study by the company Capterra.

The technology solutions company conducted a survey in which it asked consumers – who shop online several times a month – how much they trust reviews made by influencers, obtaining responses that were unfavorable to these promoters.

71% of Mexicans responded that they partially or totally disagreed about how reliable reviews made by influencers on social media can be.

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Only 5% said that influencers’ posts are completely trustworthy, and 24% partially agreed.

On the contrary, “online consumers are beginning to trust ordinary users more.”

And 93% of those surveyed said they fully or partially agreed that reviews made on social networks by users who are not influencers are trustworthy.

In this regard, the experts who conducted the study recommended that retailers offer discounts to users in exchange for leaving a review.

He also said that “retailers should focus their energy on collecting and displaying reviews from regular users, as these have the greatest impact on online consumers.”

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