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Consumers accuse Kellogg’s of stealing the pan de muerto

  • Kellogg’s has begun to market cereal inspired by the bread of the dead and the product stands out for the regionalization of this proposal.

  • The sale of pan de muerto is part of one of the most important seasons in consumption in the Mexican market.

  • Around the concept of pan de muerto, all kinds of sales actions have been unleashed.

The sale of pan de muerto is a controversial season that has been consolidated in the market, because it is part of a long tradition, which has attracted attention above all because it is associated with deeply rooted emotional elements of the consumer, such as venerate the dead.

Although the flavor of the famous bread of the dead does not characterize it, the concept of selling it and all the commercial machinery that is built around this food is popular, criticized on many occasions for the advanced sale of this product.

Now an international cereal brand has joined the hype with a product, which could become cultural appropriation.

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The consumer already has an opinion of the bread of the dead in cereal

Users have begun to report on social networks, the appearance of a cereal of Kellogg’s, which seems to have turned this popular bread into breakfast food.

The version of pan de muerto is apparently part of a new edition of cereals called bakery, which is testing the brand and is also marketing an edition of cinnamon rolls, another of the very characteristic products in the sale of sweet bread within Mexico .

After unveiling the new product, Kellogg’s not only launches labeling but also a cereal with a concept that is leading the brand to regionalize its products, in a risky movement that can even be described as cultural appropriation, since it is just as unheard of as think of a tequila-flavored soda, for example.

Gastronomy is one of the greatest cultural symbols of countries and regions, so the idea of ​​profiting from the sale of food or drinks, which even acquire a designation of origin, becomes a serious issue for brands, before thinking in betting on selling these products.

From this perspective, the idea that Kellogg’s profit from the sale of a cereal that claims to be “bread of the dead” can become a risky trend that will undoubtedly be imitated by other brands with foods that are very characteristic of Mexican cuisine.

The following tweets are proof that the consumer is not entirely in agreement with this new sales idea.

Cereals that stand out for their originality

In their eagerness to highlight products as classic as a cereal, brands are regionalizing the products and in Mexico this coincides with the law that requires a new labeling, where the consumer is warned about the excess of certain ingredients such as sugars, sodium and lack of nutrients such as the warning that they contain excess calories.

This originality that we mention to highlight, is part of a strategy that seeks to bet more and more to launch products that do not disappoint, on the contrary, it is a bet that ends up innovating each of these categories.

Consumer breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important moments for the consumer and is one of the priorities in their purchasing process, due to the investment they make in various products that are part of this experience with which they start the day.

Having breakfast has also become a stage with all the potential for sale, especially due to the value that consumers have found, of making products that claim to provide energy or be nutritious.

Given these concepts, a new one arises and it is the regionalization of products with which brands are seeking to surprise in the market and achieve new consumer bets, despite the risky sales attempts.


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