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Consumer credit rebounded by 9% in 2021

According to the sector Observatory DBK from IN SHAPE (Cesce branch), leader in providing commercial, financial, sectoral and marketing information in Spain and Portugal, tafter falling back 25% in 2020, the new credit granted from funding bodies registered to Growth of 8.6% in 2021until it reaches the figure of 29.83 billion euro, which was still well below pre-pandemic levels.

The dynamism from application for funding for the acquisition of consumer goodswhich includes consumer credit, personal loans and revolving credit, was the main factor explanation of this evolution, in a context of rapid recovery of family spending and very favorable financing conditions.

This segment has focused 61.2% of new investments overall, standing 18,259 million euros, a 11.9% more compared to 2020. The strong wager of the principal banking groups for the activity of personal loans has had a dynamizing effect in this sector of activity.

For its part, the volume of credit allotted to the vehicle acquisition has been encrypted 10,872 million euro, which meant a 2.6% increase compared to the previous year, reflecting the slow car sales new, affected by ddrop in production in the second half of the year due to the component crisis.

S brand finance generated on 46.4% of the investment new in financing for the automotive industry, corresponding to 53.6% remaining a other types of entities.

The new entity investment in the segment of equipment goods experienced a 22% increase. in 2021, the largest in the industry, amounting to 699 million of Euro.

In an environment of high inflation, rising interest rates, foreseeable rise in non-performing loans and tightening of lending criteria, the data suggest that the year 2022 will close with a increase additional of new business volume generated by lenders, even if lower than that recorded in the previous year.

S Top five entities joined together on 58% of the new investment total in 2021, increasing the joint share of the ten largest to 77%.

financial institutions

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