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Consultations, words of Renzi under the lens of the Colle


First it is necessary to establish the boundaries of the majority to understand if there is still room for a living Italy; then there is a need for a comparison on programs and ideas. To the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, Italia viva does not indicate the name of Giuseppe Conte, because this is not yet the phase in which it is decided who will and will be able to lead the government.

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The words and verve with which Matteo Renzi addresses journalists at the end of the meeting with the Head of State (over half an hour, the longest of the day) seem to close any possibility of mending between the resigning premier and the parties that continue to support him on one side and the leader of IV on the other. An interpretation that also seems to endorse the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, after the audience with Mattarella: dark face, few words, no comparison with reporters.

But at the Quirinale, calm and chalk are preached and a more cautious orientation seems to prevail with respect to those who would like to interpret the words of the former premier as a clear closure compared to a Count ter. Sure, the road remains narrow and uphill, but Renzi says it’s not the time to indicate Conte, it does not definitively close to a hypothesis of re-appointment.

After all, it is he himself who seems to leave a window open, when he reveals that he had heard the outgoing premier in the afternoon and repeated several times that the ongoing discussion is not about characters and resentments. It is therefore premature to discuss what Mattarella’s decisions could be.

24 hours will still have to pass before the consultations with the hearings with the center-right and M5S end and in this time frame the work of diplomacy could provide further elements for the choices of the Head of State, who will have all the elements on his table tomorrow evening to be able to decide.

A pause for reflection and then a check to see if there is room to reconstitute the majority between M5S, Pd, Leu and Iv, perhaps through another round of consultations or an exploratory mandate? An assignment to Conte, even if not immediate, so that you can check if there is actually the possibility of an executive ter? It is certain that in today’s meetings at the Colle there was no mention of an exploratory assignment in general and entrusted to the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, in particular.

It is therefore difficult to bet on which hypothesis will prevail and equally difficult to hypothesize that the first decisions can arrive from tomorrow evening from the Colle.

The situation remains complex and for Mattarella the problem remains difficult to unravel. But also and precisely for this reason, from the Colle there seems to be an indication not to draw hasty conclusions.

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