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Consultations for covid-19 increase in emergencies in the Metropolitan region | National

On par with the end of quarantines In some communes of the capital, there has been an increase in mobility in the main communes due to the possibility of leaving home without having to request permission.

This will lead to an increase in infections of covid-19, according to the same Minister of Health, Enrique Paris. “As there is an increase in the circulation of the population, the viral circulation also increases and we are going to have more positive cases,” he told radio Infinta.

Well, according to the Chilean Society of Intensive Medicine (Sochimi), in recent days consultations in the emergency room have risen from the capital due to coronavirus.

As reported Third, until Sunday the consultations for suspected covid-19 were 15%. Yesterday they reached 22%.

The president of Sochimi, Tomás Regueira, told said media that it is “a very early indicator of a little revival of the virus ”.

“This coming and going of the virus is something we are going to live with for a long time, and if this will represent greater demand for care we are going to see it in the next 10 to 14 days ”, he added.

Behavior change?

For his part, the president of the Society of Emergency Medicine (Sochimu), Luis Enberg, declared that “the feeling is that respiratory consultations are increasing, there is a slight increase in health centers. And it is that when mobility increases, the risk of contagion increases, and it can be explained from there ”.

However, he noted that the increase could also be due to a change in preventive behavior of citizens who attend to avoid getting worse.

Yesterday they reported 595 new cases of covid-19 in the capital, almost double those reported on Wednesday (322).

Paris, in the same interview with Infinita, said that “obviously it may be due, although I don’t think so because we have been in Transition for very few days, to those agglomerations that occurred in the ‘mall chino‘or in other places where people are not careful ”.

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