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‘Consultation for adjustment of KLM flight attendants’ rapid test’ | Financial

Sources report this to De Telegraaf. KLM may no longer be able to operate a number of long-haul flights from Saturday, if the stricter test obligation of the cabinet takes effect. The airline will not comment. Cabin trade union VNC reported on Friday that the rapid test obligation does not apply to a number of ‘safe’ countries, including the Netherlands Antilles, Iceland, Japan, South Korea and Australia. “It seems that KLM can continue to fly to these islands,” reports the VNC, which states that there is no confirmation yet. KLM CEO Pieter Elbers would like an alternative that is workable for the airline for the rapid test.

Incubation time

On Thursday, Elbers stated in De Telegraaf that the rapid test is not usable, due to the incubation period of the corona virus. Flying personnel can therefore test positive abroad, while the contamination has been contracted in the Netherlands. The KLM CEO is in favor of a test just before departure, so that in the event of a positive test, other personnel can be called up to perform the flight. In other countries, flying personnel are exempt from such a rapid test.

KLM itself must come up with a safe alternative to the mandatory quick test for crew members, said Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen on Friday morning. “I really leave it to KLM and RIVM. If they manage to find a safe way together, I am very happy with it, ”says the minister. “But if not, we can’t take that risk.”

Left parties

The Ministry of Infrastructure has not consulted with the airline about the practical consequences of the RIVM advice, sources report to De Telegraaf. Until now, this has usually been the case. The KLM works council states that there is politics about the back of KLM employees, because the left-wing parties had to be persuaded to introduce the curfew.

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