Home » Health » “Consultant” Reveals 3 Important Dietary Rules for Diabetics • Al Marsad Newspaper

“Consultant” Reveals 3 Important Dietary Rules for Diabetics • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Saleh Al-Ansari, a public health consultant and health promotion expert, revealed 3 important nutritional rules for a diabetic patient.

He said during an interview with “Yahla” broadcast on the “Gulf Rotana” channel: “Beware of carbohydrates, stop eating rice and bread,” and he continued: “Caution means eating healthy carbohydrates if carbohydrates do not decrease significantly.”

And he continued: “There are what are called essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, but there are no essential carbohydrates, because we do not need them, and if we need them, we need them as God created them. Clockwork.”

And he added: “Treat yourself with protein and be generous with regard to fats, and take it without expense, especially for a person whose weight is normal, and this is the best prevention of diabetes,” pointing out that fats are natural, such as tallow and butter, and not hydrogenated and vegetable oils.

He explained that fat is not the cause of cholesterol, but it is caused by sugar, which is converted into fat in the liver.

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