The movement Build has requested, this Tuesday, May 7, before the National Assemblythe change of the agenda to include the appearance from Minister of the Environment, Sade Fritschi Naranjowho must explain the reasons for granting a environmental permit to a company related to first lady, Lavinia Valbonesifor the construction of an urban project in a supposedly protected area, in a mangrove swamp in Olón.
The Construye bench has maintained that the issue should be addressed in the plenary session of parliamentbecause “Current ministers and the president’s family circle would be linked to the real estate project.”
According to Construye, the permit was finalized in a week, “In one week of government they obtained an environmental permit that for others takes years”. And they have rejected the supposed sending of security forces officials to the area to “frightening community members instead of fighting crime”.
Construye has intervened after the La Iguana Foundation reported on Monday, May 6, an alleged irregularity in the granting of permits in Olonwhere the Empresa VinAzinowned by Lavinia Valbonesi, is executing a real estate project.
According to the Foundation, what is happening is a ecocide of “importance to mangrove ecosystem”.
Oloncito mat
The real estate project is located in “the Oloncito mat“, inside of the bosque protector “declared as such by Ministerial Agreement #722001, for being part of the Cordillera Congo-Coloncheone of the most threatened biodiverse areas of our country.”
The land “belongs to the Noboa family and the company VinAzin intends to intervene by developing an urban project, which does not incorporate the nature but rather it displaces and annihilates it, they adjoin the Oloncito estuary, which is located within the protective forest,” according to La Iguana.

#Construye #requests #appearance #Minister #Environment #Olón #Case