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Construction union demands: “Approve construction projects in Graz more quickly”

Further fuss about delayed development plans in Graz: Now Josef Muchitsch, top construction union representative, is “climbing on the roof” of Graz politics.

GRAZ. It was a sensational verdict that the Graz Lawyer Georg Eisenberger for his client Hannes Schreiner (Raba Technopark) was able to enforce (the Kleine Zeitung reported): Schreiner had waited seven years for approval for a construction project in the Lend district, the legal deadline is 18 months.

The Constitutional Court had strongly criticized this practice of the city of Graz, in the supreme court’s conviction of the city he makes it clear that there is “a constitutionally guaranteed legal right to be allowed to develop land within a reasonable time”.

Judith Schwentner, The responsible political advisor in the city even suggested extending the deadline. This is perceived by the property developers as “a dangerous threat”, according to a press release from the VÖPE (Association of Austrian Project Developers). Instead, they are aiming to shorten the statutory deadline to 12 months.

Construction union fears for jobs

There is now support in this matter from an unusual source: SPÖ politician Josef Muchitschhead of the local construction union, is heavily critical of the city of Graz: “The construction industry is already weakening, we lost 10,000 jobs in the construction industry last year.” Against this background, he warns against “making things even more difficult for those developers who are ready to build.” Overall, he sees that the authorities in Graz are making things more and more complicated and difficult for developers. “We must not overdo it,” he criticizes. Incidentally, this applies to other urban centers in Austria. In this context, Muchitsch also expresses his displeasure with the Green Minister Leonore Gewessler: “She stops everything that can be done…”

Urgently implement existing measures

Muchitsch does show understanding for Graz’s “backdoor construction freeze” in times of climate change, but: “Things that are already in motion should be well monitored and implemented quickly.” Simply pressing the stop button does not solve any problems: “That only further increases prices and inflation.” This would harm ultimately the end consumer and is moving even further away from affordable housing in Graz. Muchitsch calls for continuity in the construction industry, because: “Nothing in the construction industry has ever become cheaper due to delays…”

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