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Construction of the second Valledupar-La Paz road stuck due to environmental permits

Construction work on the second Valledupar-La Paz road began at the end of May, but until now in September, the work does not have an environmental permit to interfere with the trees that are inside the highway layout and build the bridge over the Cesar river.

With this overview, the citizens’ management office, which has questioned the speed of execution, has said that although the work is not delayed only for this aspect, the Regional Self-Governing Group Cesar (Corpocesar) must ) to speed up the authors.

Why wait so long?

“We ask Corpocesar to remove the trees that hinder the development of the work, the same for Afinia, to remove the light poles, to make a proper development of the road, yes we want them to do that in time, why do we have that. wait so long? “That is a work that is being built for 4 months,” said Edgardo Oñate, one of the directors of the management office.

By: The construction director explains how construction work on the Valledupar-La Paz highway is progressing

According to Oñate, the trees hinder the movement of workers and machines in that passage: “There are 20 or 30 trees in the middle of dump trucks, backhoes, double trucks, which make the work difficult. If Corpocesar sent a request to the contractor and they did not respond as it was, they should tell them where the talanquera is so that we can resolve it quickly, we will not ask for anything more.”

Response from the Corporation

EL PILÓN spoke to Mónica Inés González, deputy director of Environmental Management at Corpocesar, and the official confirmed that the contractor made 3 permit requests: forestry use, ownership of the river bed and surface water mitigation.

This work will cost $116,381 million, between the construction contract and the inspection. / PHOTO: Courtesy.

The forestry harvesting process began in April and the contractor provided information in July, according to the environmental authority, and in the coming weeks the assessment will begin on the site. “The trip will be ordered, it is scheduled for the end of this month, it is on a first come, first served basis and according to the staff we have,” said González.

How long does the process take?

Once the site visit is done, the evaluators will decide if they need more information from the contractor. Therefore, the institution did not give a precise date on when they could get that permission. granted or denied.

By: Work began on the second Valledupar-La Paz road

“There is no specified time, I can’t say if it will last a month or two, it all depends on the assessment that will be done,” said the deputy director.

Channel occupancy permits and water concessions

Regarding permits for channel ownership and surface water concessions, EL PILÓN learned that the contractor made the request, but did not respond to the additional information required by the environmental authority, which is why, on July 11, that request was withdrawn.

The work started in May this year. / With permission.

“On July 26 they submitted the request again and an information request was made on August 16, they responded on August 28 and that documents are being examined, if they comply with everything, it will begin the evaluation and the trip will be ordered, pass the report, if the evaluators decide that they comply with everything, the permits will be issued,” said the spokesperson of the Corpocesar.

The contractor did not respond

El Pilón tried to talk to the director of the work, Jhorvis Deluque, to find out how it is going and why they did not send the information requested before, but a member of the Unión Temporal did not give Vial VLP provided statements on the matter.

The status of the intervention, a profile taken over the weekend. / PHOTO: Courtesy.

For its part, the management office hopes that by the end of this year, the builders will have advanced 2 or 3 kilometers of the 9.6 that this highway will have parallel to the La Paz-Valledupar road .

It must be remembered that the development of this building has a period of three years and four months, that is, it will be delivered in 2026.

By Editing/EL PILÓN

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