Home » Business » Construction of Provisional School in Guthirt District Resumes Despite Appeal Dismissal

Construction of Provisional School in Guthirt District Resumes Despite Appeal Dismissal

The Guthirt school is busy. The provisional should now remedy the situation. (Bild: Andreas Busslinger)

The city of Zug can resume construction work on the provisional school on Lüssiweg, which was stopped in April. The federal court dismissed an appeal.

The city of Zug actually wanted to start building a temporary small school in the Lüssi area after Easter 2023. But the administrative court put a stop to the construction project in April for the time being (zentralplus reported). The reason for the building freeze at the time was various objections from the neighborhood.

However, construction work on the municipal property is now being resumed, according to a statement from the city of Zug. The Federal Supreme Court did not act on a complaint that attempted to obtain a super-provisional building ban.

The city of Zug speaks of an acute need for school space

The work is expected to take four months. Rooms for four kindergarten and lower school classes will be created in the two-storey pavilion.

Due to the increased number of pupils, there is an acute need for additional school space in the Guthirt school district, writes the city of Zug. The provisional school on Lüssiweg is temporary and will be completely dismantled after the planned second school building for the Guthirt district.

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2023-08-28 15:55:32
#Construction #Lüssiweg #provisional #school #centralplus

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