The tunnel is designed as an immersed tunnel, not a bored one. It will consist of 217-meter long concrete segments. These segments are already being manufactured in a huge concrete factory built specifically for this purpose on the Danish side of the strait. The factory produces five segments simultaneously on parallel lines. Each segment has nine sections, which are cast one by one due to their size.
According to the latest press release on the progress of segment production, the Danish government-owned company Femern, which is the investor, stated that the first segment has completed a quarter of its length and has already been moved out of the factory building. As of now, seven sections of the first segment are completed, and work is underway on the eighth, penultimate section. In total, 23 sections have been completed.
The plan is to connect the first segment to the drilled land-based tunnel later this year and then extend the tunnel at the pace of segment production. The completion in 2029 seems realistic for now, according to project manager Anders Gert Wede. The tunnel segments being produced are gigantic, not only in length but also in height, at forty meters. The tunnel will accommodate a double-track electrified railway and a three-lane motorway. Additionally, the segment profiles include emergency and service passages between the road tubes.
Each completed segment is sealed and launched into the water. Tugboats will tow it to the designated location, where it will be submerged onto prepared seabed slots at a depth of about 35 meters, extending the existing land-based tunnel by its 217 meters. The entire tunnel will then be backfilled, and a protective shield will be placed on the newly filled rock.
Apart from the Fehmarn Belt tunnel, another engineering marvel between northern Germany and southern Sweden is the Øresund Bridge. It connects Copenhagen and Malmö, specifically linking Malmö to an artificial island where the road goes underwater and continues through a tunnel. This is also an immersed tunnel, like the Fehmarn Belt, but it is only 3.5 kilometers long and is located just ten meters below the water surface.10 minut autem, resp. sedm minut vlakem.
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Pvodn ml osmnctikilometrovou Fehmarnskou inu peklenout most. Ukzalo se vak, e tunel vychz nkladov velmi podobn a pitom je vhodnj z pohledu dopad na ivotn prosted a je mn zvisl na rozmarech poas.
Tunel je vyprojektovn jako nikoli vrtan, nbr ponoen. Bude sestvat z 217 metr dlouhch betonovch segment. Ty u jsou vyrbny v obrovsk betonrce, kterou pro ten el postavili na dnsk stran iny. Betonrka vyrb na paralelnch linkch pt segment souasn, Kad segment m kvli sv velikosti devt dl, kter se odlvaj postupn.
V posledn tiskov zprv o postupu vroby segment uvedl investor, dnskou vldou vlastnn spolenost Femern, e na prvnm segmentu byl dokonen tvrt dl a e ten prvn u tr z objektu betonrky ven. To bylo koncem prosince; jak pro uvedl manaer stavby Anders Gert Wede, aktuln m pilotn segment hotovch sedm dl a pracuje se na osmm, pedposlednm. U tak b vech pt linek a celkem je podle Wedeho dokoneno 23 dl.
Jet letos napojme prvn segment na vrtanou suchozemskou st tunelu a pak budeme tunel prodluovat v rytmu, v nm budeme vyrbt segmenty. Pln dokonen v roce 2029 zatm vypad reln, sdlil manaer Wede. U tak b vech pt linek a celkem je podle Wedeho dokoneno 23 dl.
Vznikajc tunelov segmenty jsou gigantick, a to nejen dlkou, ale tak kou tyicet metr. Tunelem toti povede dvojkolejn elektrifikovan eleznin tra a dlnice o tyech pruzch. Navc profily segment maj mezi silninmi tubusy nouzovou a servisn chodbu.
Kad vyroben pracovnci utsn a spust na vodu. Remorkry jej odthnou na uren msto, kde po zaplaven vodou klesnou na pipraven trkov loe na dn moe v in je nejvt hloubka asi 35 metr a prodlou o