Home » today » News » Constitutional Court accepts MPs ‘Sira’ status not suspended from work – orders ‘Ruangkrai’ to amend parliament’s petition The constitution fails to rule

Constitutional Court accepts MPs ‘Sira’ status not suspended from work – orders ‘Ruangkrai’ to amend parliament’s petition The constitution fails to rule

The Constitutional Court unanimously accepted the petition for interpretation of MPs ‘Sira Jenjaka’ status but did not order the suspension of MPs and ordered ‘Ruangkrai’ to amend the petition. The constitution is subject to overthrow the rule within 15 days.

On February 3, 2021, the Office of the Constitutional Court published news papers on the outcome of the Constitutional Court meeting. With unanimous resolution accepting the request of MPs of the opposition party who submitted to the decision of MPs of Sir Jenjakas, MPs of Bangkok, District 9, Palang Pracharat Party In case of having been hit by the Pathumwan District Court Sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for fraud, whether or not the membership will be terminated individually, according to the Constitution of Section 101 (6), together with Section 98 (10), whereby the court has not ordered the termination of the performance of duties. Since there has not yet been evidence that the case is more prominent than that of the offense. He has ordered Sira, as the respondent, to submit an explanation for the allegation within 15 days from the date of receipt of the request.

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Court Also ordered Ruangkrai Leekitwattana, the former senator, petitioner, to amend the petition within 15 days in the petition requesting the court to decide that the vote on the principle of the Member of Parliament. In a motion to amend Section 256 of the Constitution and add Chapter 15/1 to establish The MPs drafted a new constitution, both of the opposition MPs and the government. It is the exercise of rights or freedoms to overthrow democratic government. Which has the King as Head of State under Section 49 and is not in accordance with the Constitution of Section 5 (1) as well

As for Nathaporn Toprayoon’s request, the court ruled that the proposed amendment of the constitution MPs, opposition parties and coalitions of government Contrary to or inconsistent with the constitution And it undermines the participation of all sectors in the parliament and the principle of public review in accordance with Section 3, Section 49 and Section 255 and 256, together with Section 5, and is the exercise of rights and freedoms to overthrow democratic government? And is an act that is against the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State Ready to ask the court to order Parliament to cancel the constitutional amendment The court considered the facts according to the petition and supporting documents. It is of the opinion that this petition contains facts related to the petition of Reung Krai that the court ordered to rectify and improve the petition to be complete. Therefore, for the sake of consideration, the consideration of the said petition is postponed first.

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