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Constitutional Council: A new mandate for Clément Atangana and company

Clément Atangana taking the oath

It’s time for a new six-year term for the first members of the Constitutional Council. Clément Atangana, its president, and its members, were sworn in on April 2, 2024, before the Parliament meeting in Congress. Under the presidency of Cavaye Yeguie Djibril its president, the Congress received the oath of the various members of this Council at the Palais des Congrès in Yaoundé, provisional seat of the Cameroonian Parliament. This is the second lease for the first team of this institution.

Note, for this renewal, the band Clement Atangana welcomed two new members: the Pr Adolphe Minkoa Shecurrent rector of the University of Yaoundé II, and Aaron Logmo Mbeleck, former academic inspector at the Ministry of Higher Education. These two new comers replace Joseph Marie Bipoun Woum et Joseph Healswho died during their first term.

Created by the 1996 Constitution, the Constitutional Council was only filled on February 7, 2018, with the appointment of its first members, for a six-year term. possibly renewable “. Paul Biya has renewed his confidence in this first team.

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