Home » today » News » Conspiracy of the oligarchs: Has the Family found a replacement for Putin? – 2024-05-03 17:28:21

Conspiracy of the oligarchs: Has the Family found a replacement for Putin? – 2024-05-03 17:28:21

/ world today news/ Roman Abramovich has been nominated for the presidency of Russia as a candidate from the “Peace Party”. Hard to believe? Meanwhile, there is nothing impossible about it, but there are some pretty terrible things about Russia.

Abramovich for president – who is in favor?

The biggest sensations, as a rule, arise around the most famous people – this is natural. But in order for the news about a famous person to be discussed by absolutely everyone, it is necessary for this news to be, on the one hand, completely unexpected, and on the other, defiantly believable.

Well, this means that the announcement that the socialite, who is not distinguished by high morals, has taken a new lover, will not become a sensation, although it will interest fans. But the news that the same diva is training to take part in climbing Everest will be quite unexpected and will get her some, as they say, headlines.

Why are we doing this now? We are talking about the rumors that suddenly began to spread about one of the last and perhaps the only surviving oligarch, Roman Abramovich.

No, there are plenty of rich people in and around Russia even without Abramovich. But there are no men left who, according to general opinion, can still influence big politics among the owners of factories, newspapers, ships, present and former. There are no others, and they are far away.

And Abramovich is here. He no longer has a football club, but he is regularly seen on the “Frunzenskaya embankment”, they say that he is involved in behind-the-scenes negotiations with Ukraine, he is credited with participating in the grain deal… In general, Abramovich, like this lioness, always enjoys attention to the public. But the news about him is gradually becoming monotonous…

Apparently someone is tired of this monotony. And on November 2, anonymous Telegram channels began to spread information that Roman Abramovich could be nominated as a candidate for the president of Russia.

They say that his candidacy is being considered along with the names of Grigoriy Yavlinsky, Boris Nadezhdin and one of the deputies of the State Duma of Russia from the New People party.

They say that Abramovich can “channel” (ie steer in a direction that is safe for the state) the supporters of the so-called “party of peace” or “party of normalization”, also known as the “party of defeat”.

They also point out another “safe” argument: the participation of Abramovich, who is said to be involved in some kind of ceasefire negotiations in Ukraine, will make the elections more legitimate in the eyes of the West.

And this could be useful, as the European Parliament is now ready to announce that it will not recognize the results of the presidential election in Russia.

Abramovich enters the field. Who’s nearby?

It is clear why there are now rumors about Abramovich. In addition to the interest caused by his figure, the “structure of the moment” also plays a role – everyone expects from day to day Vladimir Putin to announce his participation in the upcoming elections and, accordingly, the beginning of the election campaign. It is clear that the “political class” is seething in anticipation.

But there is no interesting news about the election: the debate about who will be nominated by the Communists or the Liberal Democratic Party cannot be considered really fascinating.

Dropping information about Abramovich now means attracting maximum attention. This is what started to happen.

Of course, there are no official reports and comments on this topic and there cannot be. Political scientists try to be witty. For example, Ilya Ananiev says the following:

“Abramovich, as the American version of the billionaire Trump, is a perfectly adequate option as president for today’s Russia.”

And he immediately clarifies that Russia, of course, will not accept such a candidate, “given the distance between the “average salary of a Russian” and any successful businessman.”

More serious comments also appeared. Communist politician Sergei Udaltsov pointed out:

“I am convinced that there will be no anti-war candidates like Yavlinsky, Nadezhdin, Abramovich, etc., will not appear in the presidential elections. According to the Kremlin’s logic, now there is a patriotic consensus in the country regarding the SVO, so there are no experiments here And for the liberal public, they use the candidate from the “New People”.

But where do the current political rumors “grow” from? Apparently from political anti-state emigration. Recently, a documentary biography of Roman Abramovich from the Berlin film studio Narra and the “cooperative of independent journalists” was “buzzed” there. Abramovich in this film is shown primarily as a philanthropist.

Many emigrants did not like the film because they wanted to see in it accusations against the oligarch for collaborating with the “regime”. But it seems that they are trying to show Abramovich as a positive hero not only for the non-systemic opposition that emigrated, but also for some people in Russia.

The sources of “Tsarigrad” in the Old Square in Moscow, looking at what is happening, shrug their shoulders. The official position is known: the campaign for the presidential elections has not yet started. Periodically, the promotion of a candidate from the “normalization party” is discussed, but there is no final decision on this issue.

Boris Nadezhdin has already stated several times that he will run for office, but for now this is neither more nor less than his personal decision. It is far from certain that registration will be reached. As for Abramovich, in the current situation, his participation, not in a behind-the-scenes, but in an open political struggle, would turn into a scandal.

“Actually, it will not be about legitimizing elections in the eyes of anyone, but about delegitimization in the eyes of our society, of our voters. Bad comedy,” one of the political strategists participating in the Kremlin meetings on domestic political topics told the author of these lines .

So what?

Rumors are, of course, just rumours. They should not be given too much importance. But rumors rarely come out of nowhere.

In this case, it is not the figure of Abramovich that is important, but the presence in our society of political forces that are trying to push the topic of a truce, normalization of relations with the West and other “normalizations” in the political sphere. agenda.

Some of their efforts seem quite petty and ridiculous. But all together it really looks like a “background campaign” aimed at proving that the “party of peace” has supporters. And this can become dangerous for the cause of victory.

Translation: SM

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